How to cure a child’s cold? Video

As soon as your child starts sniffling or coughing, you need to take care of his health. Colds will go away much faster if they are effectively treated right away. When caring for your baby, combine the intake of proven medicines and traditional medicine recipes.

How to cure a child’s cold?

To make your child feel good faster, try not to take him to kindergarten or school for three days at the first sign of a cold. This will make the treatment more effective.

As soon as you notice that the baby has begun to sniff, start treating the runny nose and rinse the baby’s nose every three hours. To do this, prepare a mixture of half a teaspoon of table salt and the same amount of baking soda. Dissolve salt and baking soda in one glass of warm boiled water, add one drop of iodine and start rinsing.

You can rinse your nose using a special bottle, which is sold at the pharmacy, or by drawing in water from a teaspoon or from a saucer with your nose.

It is advisable to inhale water through one nostril, and pour out from the other

So the nose is guaranteed to rinse. Let the child blow his nose after the procedure. Then drip the baby drops of plant origin, for example, with essential oils.

When buying a medicine for a cold in a pharmacy, be sure to consult with a pharmacist or read the annotation yourself. If you catch a cold at the very beginning, your child will not need vasoconstrictors. But when the runny nose gets worse or an infection develops, stronger drugs will be needed. To determine them, you need to go with the child to the doctor.

Inhalation is great for helping the respiratory tract for colds. The procedure should be carried out using sage infusion and fir oil. They are good disinfectants. The essential oils found in these plants will help your child get rid of their cough.

Inhalation should be carried out for ten minutes every four hours, be sure to wait an hour and a half after eating. Do not give your baby a drink for half an hour after the procedure, otherwise there will be no effect from this type of treatment.

If your child does not have an excessive gag reflex, apply fir oil to his tonsils. Soak a cotton swab in the preparation and quickly slide it over the baby’s glands

Also, the baby should rinse the throat several times. Prepare a proven remedy – a soda solution. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Make sure the water is not too hot. Have the child throw their head back well and rinse their throat thoroughly for ten seconds each time. Repeat the procedure three to four times a day.

Prepare a warm drink for your baby. During the day, it is good to drink water with lemon, and before bed, prepare warm milk for your child with honey, soda and butter. If you want to enhance the effect of the treatment, steam your baby’s legs in a gentle way. Do not use hot water, but mustard plasters, which are sold in paper compresses. Place a bag under the baby’s feet and put on cotton socks on top. After three hours, the compresses can be removed.

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