How to Create a Realistic Morning Schedule

Top managers, musicians and athletes love to talk about their morning routine. This is indeed a very effective tool that allows you to increase productivity, add energy and motivation, and in general, significantly change your life for the better. We’ve put together a few principles to help you start your day productively.

Ask any personal growth coach and they will confirm the importance of sticking to your morning routine. Many celebrities willingly express their opinion on what must be done in the morning:

  • meditate;
  • do exercises;
  • drink freshly squeezed juices;
  • drink coffee (with butter);
  • practice visualization;
  • keep a diary;
  • make a list of current tasks;
  • Check email;
  • prioritize;
  • do yoga;
  • express yourself creatively;
  • walk;
  • make a list of reasons to be grateful;
  • «cleanse» the lymphatic system;
  • do Ayurvedic head massage;
  • hold a Japanese tea ceremony.

This can be a little scary. Indeed, in addition to these activities, you will have time to take a shower, put yourself in order, get dressed and get to work. If there are children who need to be collected for school, a dog that needs to be walked, will you order to get up at one in the morning?

Undoubtedly, you need to make a schedule for the most important part of the day. This will improve the quality of life and productivity. But first of all, you should think about how it suits you and you can constantly stick to it. It must be realistic. Most live ordinary lives, we don’t have personal trainers, chefs, masseurs to help. A few principles that will help you get up on that foot.

wake up early

Almost a universal rule for everyone. If you’re used to getting up at 7:30, crawling out of bed, having a quick muffin and coffee, and leaving for work at 8:00, you’ll need more time. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier every week until you get used to waking up at the desired time.

Wake up with a smile

If you are not a «lark», it will not be easy, but the effort will pay off handsomely. Try to get up at the first alarm, do not press the «snooze» button. Another 6 minutes of restless sleep will not do any good, but you will send a signal to the brain that you are not eager to start a new day.

Find a way to bring back the enthusiasm and joy for the day ahead. Prepare pleasant, energetic music and turn it on as soon as you wake up. Put an inspirational picture or quote on your phone so you can see it every time you check your messages. Remember what makes you enjoy life and feel gratitude. Put a bottle of aromatic oil next to the bed, the aroma will help to cheer up.

Make a to-do list

List all the things you would like to do in the morning, in order of importance. Start with the essentials: get dressed and groomed, eat breakfast, get the kids ready for school, walk the dog, etc.

Then choose 2-3 additional tasks that you would like to do in the morning. It should be something that helps relieve stress, gives energy and motivation and gives pleasure. Use the extra time that you now have in the morning to create the right mood for the whole day.

Now calculate how long it will take for each item on the list and, based on this, decide what time you need to get up. It should be a reasonable time (you won’t wake up at 4:30). It will be useful to add 15 minutes for unforeseen circumstances.

Check the schedule in action

It’s time to put the routine to the test and evaluate how well it works. Start by testing on the weekend to rule out problems that could disrupt your work day.

A morning routine that works for you helps relieve stress and motivate you

Then test the schedule for a couple of weeks, making adjustments as needed. Listen to your feelings, but remember that developing new habits will take time and willpower. At first, the new schedule can be stressful and uncomfortable. When you get used to getting up earlier and doing all the planned things, then you will be able to assess how it suits you.

Be flexible and realistic

Some days you will not be able to do what you planned. Circumstances change: you have a business trip and you live in a hotel, a child is ill, a dog has soiled the bed, or something else has happened. Remember why you are trying to get used to a constant morning routine: to have more joy in life and less stress. If you start to worry that you can’t do yoga because the dog vomited, the idea loses its meaning. Be prepared to change your schedule as needed.

Don’t give up on what you have planned

The benefits of having a consistent morning routine that works for you, relieves stress, and gives you motivation are enormous. The effort that you have to put in at the beginning, until it becomes a habit, will pay off handsomely. Keep sticking to your plan (although sometimes it won’t work due to circumstances), don’t give up and don’t quit until you’ve tried it right. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss something, don’t scold yourself, but try to get back on track as soon as possible.


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