How to create a concentration space to study or work at home

How to create a concentration space to study or work at home

Healthy habits

Both physical and mental delimitation are essential to get to work or study without distractions in our home

How to create a concentration space to study or work at home

Find, get or develop concentration it is complicated for many. And if it seems like a difficult task even in an environment designed for it, when the space that surrounds us is not on our side it is much more difficult.

Small houses, lack of natural light … there are many things that little by little mitigate our ability to concentrate, to work or to study. Still, we must strive to create a space the most convenient for the task to be carried out. Patricia Benayas, productivity coach and creator of @estirandoeltiempo, explains that the basic elements we need to create a study or work space in which to concentrate are: a table with appropriate height, an ergonomic chair, a flexo and a space to store our study or work material.

Many may not have a place in their home that they can dedicate exclusively to “concentration.” The coach points out some basic tips to be able to determine this space in the most effective way. «We must choose the place where we find the most tranquility; For example, the dining room table is preferable to the kitchen table, since in this room there is usually more passage, ”he says. It is advisable to look for a separator (such as a screen) to delimit the study or work area and thus “make it clear to all family members that the person is in his” study zone “and needs concentration.”

Take care of colors and light

Both lighting and colors play an important role in achieving concentration. The professional explains that the white color helps us focus in what we are doing. Green helps us relax and focus. A soft color, such as green or blue, helps us to maintain an atmosphere of tranquility, which makes it easier to stay focused. “It has also been shown that adequate light helps us when planning tasks and performing them with a better attitude,” says Patricia Benayas.

«The best light is natural; right-handers must receive the light from above the left shoulder, while left-handers must receive it from the opposite side. General lighting should be uniform and provide light to the entire room without having areas darker than others “, explains the professional.

Mental limits to study better

Many times, the impossibilities that our house puts on us make the space for concentration not the best possible. In these cases, it is important to attach importance to creating this space in our mind. The sociologist Alicia Aradilla, author of the book “Teleworking, but well” (Diana), explains that through the symbolic attribution of a context to certain objectss, we can help foster concentration when studying at home. To achieve this space of concentration, the professional gives several tips:

1. It is important that we make a symbolic attribution to the space that we are going to dedicate to the activity. “Once this is done, we can reinforce the idea with a” mana object, “that is, an object that represents that moment of concentration or study and the success we want to achieve ”, explains the sociologist and adds that we must try to have that object with us in the hours in which we seek concentration.

2. The planningIt is essential to take advantage of our study or work hours. “Must distribute study hours or I work during the week, and make sure we plan breaks every 45 minutes: go out to the balcony, have a tea, a chore, anything that helps us to clear ourselves, “he advises.

3. If we study or work in the same place where we spend the rest of the day, we must look for a delimitation, even if symbolic. “At a time when I had to study a lot, I bought a wing chair for my living room, and I only sat there when I had to study. In this way, when I was in it, I understood that it was the moment of concentration, “he says.

4. Finally, the sociologist explains the importance of being kind to ourselves in these moments and thank us for our achievements. «When you finish a study or work session, you can give yourself a small prize, watch a video that you like or have a cup of coffee that you love; You should also close your eyes and thank yourself for what you have achieved that day. Gratitude is very important in our life, “he concludes.

Expert tips to focus on studying

The productivity coach, Patricia Benayas, gives us seven key tips to get the most out of our study time and not lose focus:

1. Set a schedule and create a routine.

2. Plan what is going to be studied. Divide topics into small sections (divide and conquer)

3. Remove Distractions (especially the mobile, better to leave it in another room)

4. Prepare all the material that you need, so you will avoid getting up with the excuse of going to look for a book.

5. To hydrate. Always have water by your side.

6. Put on time limits.

7. Rest every hour for five minutes. Get up, take the opportunity to stretch the body.

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