How to cover grapes for the winter: the right shelter and the choice of covering material

Growers do not always understand in what cases annual and perennial plants should be covered for the winter. In today’s article, we will tell you how to cover the grapes for the winter, and what materials to use. Properly prepare your plant for wintering, and nothing will threaten the harvest next season.

When to Cover

How to cover grapes for the winter: the right shelter and the choice of covering material

In some regions of Our Country, winters are relatively mild, with temperatures rarely exceeding 15°C below zero in winter. In the suburbs, winegrowers manage without sheltering vines. But the Urals and the Volga region are areas with much more severe winters, so if you want to cultivate grapes there, take care of it thoroughly.

Residents of central Our Country begin to shelter grapes in late November – early December. Remember that the vine is left open during the first frost. Thus, it is hardened and will better endure wintering. Do not cover the vine too early, otherwise it will get wet and the bark on it will crack.

As for the Urals, young and mature grapes are covered here in mid-November. Wait until the ground in the garden freezes and stops thawing. Siberia is a harsh region, so frost-resistant varieties are cultivated here. It is important to start preparatory procedures in September.

Video “Preparing grapes for winter”

In this video, a specialist will tell you how to properly prepare grapes for winter.

@Pruning grapes in autumn. Preparing grapes for winter

Preparatory stage

How to cover grapes for the winter: the right shelter and the choice of covering material

Before purchasing or building a covering material for homemade grapes for the winter, complete the preparatory procedures. Do not rush to remove the vine from the trellis and cut it. The first preparatory stage is watering the plant. Moisten the soil abundantly so that the shoots ripen. Please note that one shrub accounts for up to 10 buckets of water. It is important to dilute 1 g of potassium permanganate in the first bucket – such watering will prevent the development of diseases of the root system.

The next stage is loosening the earth and removing weeds. This procedure is useful, because with the onset of spring there will be less worries around the vineyard. Then apply organic and mineral fertilizers to the soil. Remember that the compositions are distributed within a meter radius around the bush.

Pruning is another preparatory event. Treat the remaining vines with a solution of copper sulphate (3%) – this way you will protect the branches from attempts by rodents to feast on them.

Now is the time to decide on the optimal method of sheltering grapes. Please note that you cannot leave it in an upright position, as it will freeze.

How to cover grapes for the winter: the right shelter and the choice of covering material

Shelter methods

Vine growers try to save the plant from freezing in a period of harsh temperatures in different ways. Learn what methods are considered the most effective, collect an arsenal of tools and materials, and then boldly proceed to covering procedures.


How to cover grapes for the winter: the right shelter and the choice of covering material

If you are looking for an affordable and budgetary way to shelter homemade grapes, give preference to earth or turf. As soon as frosts begin, sprinkle the vine with earth, the layer of which will be 10 cm. After 3-4 weeks, the procedure is repeated. It is important to start preparing the land in advance. Fill bags with it and store it so that it stays dry. This method of sheltering homemade grapes is quickly implemented, does not require special care, but in some cases the grapes freeze through.


If this method is properly organized, the vine will withstand even severe frosts. Winegrowers who live in regions where snowy winters are a regularity hope for it. Cover the grapes with a snowdrift at least 50 cm high. To do this, first lay out wooden boards or a grate near the shrub, fix the vines with metal brackets, and then throw snow on top, tamping it down. Otherwise, the snowdrift will inflate, and the vines will remain ajar in the cold.

Straw or reed

How to cover grapes for the winter: the right shelter and the choice of covering material

When frost begins, remove the grapes from the trellis and lay them on wooden boards. Then cover it with a layer of straw, the height of which will be 20 cm. After 2-3 weeks, repeat the procedure. When the layer of straw doubles, fix it with spunbond, arcs or sprinkled with snow. This method of sheltering grapes is beneficial in that the straw does not interfere with oxygen access to the vine. It is an environmentally friendly material and is inexpensive. This method also has a drawback: straw is a favorite place for rodents.


How to cover grapes for the winter: the right shelter and the choice of covering material

The method of covering grapes with slate is considered reliable. To begin, place the vines together and tie into bundles. Now is the time to wrap them in bags and put them in the grooves dug in advance. Staples are fixed on top and slate is laid. Sprinkle it with earth, forming an air gap. It will heat up, so the vines will not freeze in winter. Please note that immediately before laying the grapes in the grooves, they are treated with lime.


How to cover grapes for the winter: the right shelter and the choice of covering material

Agrofibre is suitable for regions with mild winters. If severe frosts are coming, add natural mulch to the spunbond to better protect the grapes. Agrofibre is used for covering vines directly on trellises for wrapping them and covering them on the ground. This material is also used to wrap the plant over a layer of foliage or straw.


How to cover grapes for the winter: the right shelter and the choice of covering material

Covering grape seedlings with coniferous materials is a smart decision for growers living near forests. Fold the vines of grapes, and cover them with spruce or pine spruce branches on top. The layer should be 30–40 cm. In this case, air enters the plant without barriers, rodents do not penetrate here, and mold or fungus does not grow.


How to cover grapes for the winter: the right shelter and the choice of covering material

If you live in a zone with a relatively mild climate, use a roofing material to cover the grapes for the winter. Dig a groove near the shrubs and lay the vines of the plant wrapped in burlap there. Then cover them with roofing material on top.

Keep in mind that if it fits too tightly, the grapes will suffer from a lack of oxygen. That is why either leave small areas open or remove the roofing material layer regularly.

Protect the vines competently, study the recommendations of experienced growers, watch their videos and photos, and harvest a generous harvest next season.

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