How to cover conifers for the winter: caring for spruce, cedar, cypress, fir, yew, pine in autumn and sheltering trees

The main advantage of coniferous trees is their frost resistance. But there are some nuances that a novice gardener may not know about. Therefore, recommendations on how to cover conifers for the winter will come in handy.

Reasons for hiding

Coniferous plants occupy a special place in the hearts of avid gardeners. Evergreen trees and shrubs are planted not only as an element of a garden composition, but also as an independent plant. The needles shade the area well, give comfort to the overall picture of the suburban area. Even in the cold season, when all plants fall into the so-called hibernation, coniferous plantations are a kind of decoration, suggestive of winter holidays in a warm family circle.

How to cover conifers for the winter: caring for spruce, cedar, cypress, fir, yew, pine in autumn and sheltering trees

The main reasons for sheltering coniferous crops for the winter are frosty wind and scorching sun rays. These are the factors that have the most adverse effect on plants. The sun’s rays are especially dangerous during the thaw period. At this time, a coniferous tree evaporates a large amount of moisture, which is not replenished in any way. It’s all about the stay of the tree at rest and the absence of sap flow. It is during this period that the rays of the sun not only completely dry the branches, but also leave severe burns on them. A frosty wind is no less detrimental to conifers. That is why many summer residents plant their spruces, arborvitae and pines along the wall or surrounded by other plants. This to some extent protects the seedlings from the wind.

Video “Preparing for the winter of conifers”

From this video you will learn how to properly prepare conifers for the winter period.

Preparing conifers for winter // FORUMHOUSE

Protection for medium-sized species

Medium-sized coniferous trees and shrubs include thuja, certain varieties of yew, spruce, pine, cedar, cypress, and fir. The first step in the process of warming these crops is bending the branches to the trunk. To secure the paws, use ordinary twine, which is not tightly wrapped around the conifer. After that, a special insulating cover made of agrotextile is put on the plant, which can be found in specialized gardening stores. If this is not possible, you can prepare the insulation yourself. To do this, take a non-woven material, wrap a coniferous tree with it, and fix the seams with a stapler.

It is important to remember that pines and spruces need additional insulation only in the first year of life. If the branches of coniferous culture are very fragile, they should not be bent. In this case, a frame is constructed around the plant from wooden blocks or plastic mesh. It is better not to use wire when preparing the frame, as it conducts cold well and will only aggravate the situation. When the bars are installed, they are wrapped with a special insulating material.

The gardener can choose from:

  • agrospana;
  • agricultural fiber;
  • in spunbond;
  • burlap;
  • lutrasila;
  • kraft paper.

Polyethylene is not used as a covering material, as it accumulates moisture, which can provoke rotting of a garden pet.

Safety measures for undersized shrubs

Unlike medium-sized coniferous species, low-growing varieties require less care before wintering. For their insulation, gardeners in the middle lane often use spruce or pine branches. They are located around the bush, forming a kind of pyramid. If we are talking about a region with a more severe climate, where the temperature drops to -20 ° C, the plant is additionally covered with plastic containers. The soil in the root zone of young bushes is lightly spudded and mulched with sawdust.

Other care procedures

Preparing conifers for winter includes the following steps:

  1. Watering. The soil is moistened half a meter deep, not only at the trunk, but also in the radius of the root system. If the autumn is rainy, watering is excluded, otherwise the plant may rot.
  2. Mulching. For this procedure, organic materials are used: hay, tree bark, sawdust, needles, spruce branches. The layer of mulch should not be thick, otherwise the risk of rodents increases.
  3. Top dressing. This is an important step in plant care in the autumn. The fertilizer will saturate the conifer with the substances necessary for a successful wintering. In addition, autumn feeding is a kind of catalyst for spring plant growth. Compost, biohumus, a mixture of dolomite flour and magnesium are used to fertilize crops. Mixtures containing nitrogen are excluded, because they activate vital processes in the plant, which slow down in the cold season.
  4. Shelter. Warming methods depend on the climatic features of the area and the variety of conifer. Caring for frost-resistant conifers in autumn includes fixing the branches with twine. This will protect them from damage caused by strong winds. More tender varieties of coniferous crops need autumn warming. However, any gardener must comply with the measure in this matter, since excessive wrapping can only harm the root system and the plant as a whole.

How to cover conifers for the winter: caring for spruce, cedar, cypress, fir, yew, pine in autumn and sheltering trees

Remove shelter with the advent of spring, preferably in cloudy weather. If damaged, dry branches are found or the plant has faded, a series of “reanimating” procedures are carried out:

  • spraying with warm water;
  • sun protection;
  • treatment of crowns of shrubs and trees with biostimulants.

Conifers are rightfully considered one of the most unpretentious and unpretentious garden crops. In the warm season, they may well take care of themselves, but with the advent of winter, the attention and responsibility of the gardener become necessary.

Summer residents who take care of their bushes and trees receive healthy and fragrant conifers as a token of gratitude.

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