The standard form of plants attracts attention with its unusualness. But standard roses are considered the most spectacular. They have every branch, leaf, bud and flower in plain sight. And the plant itself resembles a huge bouquet on a thin stem.
But it is the form that confuses novice gardeners when they have to cover rose bushes for the winter. Without such a procedure in central Our Country, plants are not able to survive. How to cover a standard rose for the winter will be discussed in the article. In addition, we will present to your attention a video in which experienced gardeners will share their secrets.
Proper landing is the key to wintering
If you decide to plant a standard rose on your site (they are popularly called boles), then first it is best to watch a video about the rules for placement and preparation for winter.
How to prepare roses for winter:
The fact is that already during landing, you need to accurately determine the direction of bending down the trunk before shelter.
There are a number of rules to pay attention to:
- It is undesirable to plant standard roses near buildings, because there will be problems when laying the crown for the winter.
- You can not plant bushes with a bump in the direction of the path. Firstly, standard roses will interfere with movement. Secondly, especially if the covering of garden paths is concrete, the plants freeze through “to the bone”, no shelter can save.
Care before shelter
In order for the shelter of standard roses to be successful, and fragrant rose bushes bloomed on the site next season, the plants need to be prepared for wintering.
- In the last decade of August, standard roses need to be fed so that the plants gain enough strength for wintering. Fertilizers containing nitrogen must be “forgotten” until spring in July, so that new shoots do not form that do not have time to mature before shelter. At this time, standard roses, like all members of a large family, need potassium-phosphorus top dressing. Thanks to them, shoots ripen faster in plants, the root system is strengthened and frost resistance increases.
- Already in September, standard roses stop watering. After the 15th, leaves and buds are removed. Leaves are pruned gradually over several days. But if rose bushes grow in the country, and there is no way to deal with them on weekdays, then you can trim the leaves at a time. Fallen leaves from standard roses should be removed from under the bush, as pathogens or insects may remain on them.
- The next step before shelter is pruning. At boles, shoots are shortened, as well as twigs that have grown inside the bush. If there are shoots on the rose bush that have not had time to mature or are damaged, then they must be removed.
- In October, under standard roses, the soil is loosened so that enough oxygen is supplied to the roots, and sprayed with iron vitriol or Bordeaux liquid. Moreover, you need to process every centimeter of plants and the soil around them.
- Each rose bush must be spudded. The height of the comb must be at least 20 cm, and the grafting site must be closed. Hilling promotes high aeration of the root system. In addition, soft soil does not freeze as much in winter. Moreover, hilling is carried out on dry ground, so as not to provoke the growth of new shoots of standard roses before shelter for the winter.
The time for preparing boles for wintering is indicated approximately. In each region, you need to focus on reports of meteorologists. Even in the same region, winter starts at different times every year. The standard roses are finally covered for the winter, when the night temperature drops to -5-7 degrees.
Shelter of roses for the winter
Shelter methods
Stamps are covered in almost the same way as other types of roses. There are different ways:
- Covering with spruce branches or leaves of other plants. We note right away that for harsh winters, this method of protecting standard roses is not always effective.
- The air-dry method involves the installation of a frame and insulation with various non-woven materials. The ends are not closed immediately, but only when the temperature drops to -10 degrees. If enough snow falls, then such a shelter saves standard roses even in severe frosts.
Shelter step by step
A standard rose is obtained by grafting varietal plants onto a wild rose rootstock. Such plants are considered frost-resistant. But the grafted part is the most painful place. It is she who can suffer from frost. Therefore, the stems require protection. We will tell you step by step how to cover a standard rose for the winter and provide the opportunity to watch the video.
Step one – bending the plant
If the rose is a first year, then bending it to the ground before sheltering for the winter will not be difficult. But what about older boles, which, due to low temperatures in winter, cannot be covered in an upright position?
Firstly, such work must be done gradually, accustoming the stem to a new position. They dig a recess in the direction of the slope, trying not to damage the root system. although, according to experienced gardeners, this does not harm the plants, since standard plants will successfully grow the root system in the spring. Then we slightly bend the standard rose and fix it with some material, for example, staples, so that it does not take up a vertical position again. The next day we bend down again, and so on until the plant is pressed to the ground.
You need to bend the standard rose correctly, away from the scion, as shown in the figure. The bump serves as a guide.
If you act in the opposite direction, the barrel will break. As a result, the crown of the standard rose should be on the ground.
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Then a hole at the base of the trunk is buried, the root system is spudded, and the stem is fixed with a bracket. Something strong must be placed under the trunk at the root so that it does not break under the weight of snow. It can be a log or a bottle, depending on the size of the plants.
Step three – hiding
Leaves or spruce branches must be placed under the crown. Shoots are also covered from above.
In winter, the shelter is relatively warm, so rodents often hide under shelter from frost. Naturally, they can gnaw on roses. To prevent this from happening, the plants are sprayed with iron sulphate before wintering. But for reliability, it is better to spread poisonous preparations or naphthalene under the crown.
Step four – choosing the material for shelter
How to proceed further, each gardener decides at his own discretion. You can install arcs or a frame in the form of a house with roses, and throw non-woven material on top.
You can do otherwise: cover the insulated crown with a large cardboard box.
The main thing is that precipitation does not fall under the shelter. At first, roses do not cover tightly, they leave vents. When the temperature drops to -7 degrees, all holes are clogged.
Many gardeners in the middle lane make a mistake when sheltering rose bushes without insulating the stem itself. In recent years, snow falls late or in insufficient quantities. And the frosts do their insidious work: frost holes appear on the trunk, in the spring the rose does not please the eye with the greenery of the foliage, not to mention the flowers. Therefore, at the last stage of shelter, the stem is also insulated. Any covering material is thrown on top.
Another way
If the roses are low, no more than 80 cm, and the climatic conditions are not too harsh, then they can not be bent down, covered in an upright position. Bushes are sure to spud. A bag without a bottom is put on the crown, tied at the vaccination site. Then fill with foliage or spruce branches.
The bag is tied from above, waterproof material is thrown on. Before the onset of frost, wrap with spanbond.
We cover the stamps:
Never be fooled by salespeople’s claims about rose hardiness unless you live in the south. It is better to play it safe so that in spring your garden will be decorated with such huge bouquets of roses on thin legs.
By the way, resistance to cold depends on the color of the buds. The most flimsy roses in this respect are those with yellow flowers, followed by white ones. But the boles with red and pink flowers are the hardiest.