How to cover a rhododendron for the winter: care
Rhododendron is a perennial flowering shrub whose inflorescences resemble small bells gathered together on one branch. The plant is unpretentious, but for the normal transfer of frost, the rhododendron should be prepared for the winter.
Winter care for rhododendron
Preparation of the bush for wintering should begin long before the onset of the first frost. The plant needs proper care in the autumn and summer periods.
Rhododendron for the winter must be sheltered from frost
The correct maintenance of the bush will ensure a successful wintering and beautiful flowering in the new year. For this:
- before flowering, the plant is watered 1-2 times a week as the soil dries out. Then the number of watering is reduced, bringing it to once every 10-14 days;
- in the summer, the plant is fed 3 times per season (that is, once a month). And in the fall, it is enough to apply fertilizer in September, after which feeding stops for the remaining autumn months and for the entire winter period. Due to this, new shoots will not grow, which are very sensitive to frost;
- weak, very thin shoots are recommended to be cut at the beginning of October. The cut site must be treated with activated carbon.
Usually in September there are already growth and flower buds on the branches. They must be kept until spring to ensure growth and flowering next year.
How to shelter a rhododendron for the winter
Shelter a plant for the winter is performed in several stages:
- First you need to insulate the rhododendron in the root zone. To do this, mulch with peat.
- If there is a threat of frost, a special arc frame should be built. To do this, next to the bushes, install 4 long arcs made of thick wire. The height of the frame depends on the size of the plant. It is important that the branches do not come into contact with the walls of the shelter made. The arches should be at least 15-20 cm away from the branches of the rhododendron.
- When the air temperature drops below 10 degrees, you should start covering the crown. To do this, a layer of film is attached to the made arcs, and on top – several layers of burlap.
To prevent the shelter from being blown away by the wind, 3 edges of the burlap and film should be pressed with stones, and 1 should be left. If all the leaves have not fallen off, then the plant still needs gas exchange. Therefore, on days with above-zero temperatures, it is necessary to slightly open the shelter.
Some varieties of rhododendron are frost-resistant, but it is even better to cover them for the winter. Otherwise, there is a chance that the plant will die.