How to cover a juniper for the winter: caring for a plant in the fall and preparing shelter for the cold

Evergreen trees and shrubs bring bright fresh notes and dilute the plain winter landscape with colors. However, not all plants of this species normally tolerate cold and frost, and need protection. Today we will tell you how to cover the juniper for the winter, and whether it should be done.

winter dangers

Juniper is a frost-resistant crop. It normally tolerates cold and frost, but under the influence of strong winds and scorching sunlight, it loses not only its decorative appearance, but may also die. The withering winter wind contributes to the rapid loss of life-giving fluid, as a result of which the branches become brittle, freeze and break off. That is why in spring you can often find shrubs with broken off dry shoots and yellow-brown needles. Sunburn during sudden prolonged thaws contributes to the opening of the stomata of the needles – the plant begins to actively breathe, the process of moisture evaporation is activated.

How to cover a juniper for the winter: caring for a plant in the fall and preparing shelter for the cold

While the aerial part is actively functioning, the roots in the unheated earth remain in a frozen state. The shrub does not have time to replenish the supply of moisture and dries up. Another danger is ultraviolet radiation. The rays of the sun are reflected from the bright white snow and fall on the tips of the needles, burning it. Also, young bushes may not withstand thick snow stuck on the branches: snow masses can not only break the branches, but also turn the juniper up to its roots.

Given all the possible dangers, you should take care of an adequate type of shelter that will help retain moisture, protect from wind and sun. One of the stages of preparing juniper for winter is autumn care.

Video “Shelter of conifers for the winter”

From this video you will learn how to properly cover coniferous plants for the winter.

Shelter of conifers for the winter

Autumn work front

Active preparation of the shrub for winter begins in the fall. Before the shelter of the juniper, the necessary agrotechnical measures are carried out: water-charging irrigation, pruning, treatment from pests and diseases.

Watering and spraying

The need for watering depends on the weather: if the autumn turned out to be rainy, then the plant does not need additional moisture. Otherwise, if the hot summer turned into a mild, dry autumn, it is necessary to water the juniper 1 time in 2 weeks. For a medium-sized bush, you will need about two ten-liter buckets of water. Immediately before the shelter, 4–5 buckets of water are poured into the near-stem zone, which is better to loosen a little.

A layer of mulch will help retain moisture and provide ventilation. Spraying favorably affects the appearance and health of the plant. To do this, use settled water at room temperature. So that the shrub does not suffer from the rays of the sun, which, together with moisture, can burn out the needles, the procedure is recommended to be carried out early in the morning or after sunset.


How to cover a juniper for the winter: caring for a plant in the fall and preparing shelter for the cold

Autumn pruning is carried out in mid-November. During it, dry and damaged branches are removed. If necessary, the crown of the bush is formed in the process. However, when pruning, you should be careful: the shoots grow slowly. It is impossible to remove too much of the shrub at a time, it will not have time to recover before winter.

Protective measures

The most ardent enemies of juniper are rust and aphids. No less dangerous can be dusters and spider mites. To prevent the development of the disease and cure the plant will help the treatment of the shrub with the drug “Abiga-Peak”. For a full result, you will need 4-time spraying with an interval of 10 days. The insecticidal preparations “Fitoverm” and “Fufanon” perfectly cope with pests.

Shelter according to the rules

After carrying out the necessary agrotechnical measures in the last ten days of November, the juniper is covered. The trunk zone is mulched with peat, the branches are tied around the trunk. Tying will help prevent damage to the branches and freezing of the trunk. You can cover juniper with:

  1. snow. A snowdrift of loose snow is piled on the connected structure. It is important to ensure that in the process of sheltering the snow does not freeze and does not damage parts of the plant.
  2. Lapnik. Pine needles perfectly pass air and moisture and at the same time protect the plant from wind, snow and sunlight.
  3. Burlap or non-woven material (agrofibre, spunbond). Part of the bush is wrapped in a special material, leaving the bottom uncovered. The film is not suitable for this purpose – the plant can dry under it.
  4. Screen. Usually installed on the sunny side to accumulate the energy of the sun and warm the plant.

In regions with severe winters, the young are often dug up, placed in a container and brought into a cool room. Mature plants are insulated with a special covering material, wrapped several times, and covered with additional snow on top.

Common Mistakes

Ordinary summer residents and inexperienced gardeners often make mistakes that can become fatal:

  1. Waterlogging. Abundant watering contributes to the waterlogging of the soil and the development of the process of decay. Rotting of the roots adversely affects the health of the entire plant.
  2. Wrong nutrition. Untimely or excessive fertilization of juniper with nitrogen-containing dressings contributes to the active growth of shoots, which prevents the plant’s root system from accumulating the necessary nutrients for wintering.
  3. Incorrect pruning and processing of cuts with garden pitch. Excessive pruning can cause a stop in the growth and development of the tree. Processing with garden pitch “preserves” the cut point and prevents the appearance of young shoots.
  4. Use as top dressing chicken manure or mullein.

Regional Distinctive Features

The need for shelter and the method depend on the climatic conditions of the plant. Care for juniper in autumn and summer in different regions also has its own characteristics. In the regions of the Volga region, juniper must be protected primarily from sunburn. To do this, the plant is loosely wrapped several times with cotton fabric, burlap, tulle so that the shrub breathes. In the conditions of the middle lane, the plant is most often covered with spruce branches and snow is poured on top. In Siberia and the Urals, they are wrapped with special covering material, young trees are dug up and brought into the room.

Using these tips, you can provide the juniper with proper care, and in the spring the bush will delight the eye with the brightness of greenery.

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