How to cover a hydrangea for the winter: leaving in the fall, warming and sheltering tree-like, large-leaved, paniculate flowers in the Urals

Hydrangea is an unusually beautiful plant, the inflorescences of which will decorate any suburban area. In addition to colorful flowering, gardeners are attracted by the unpretentiousness of the plant. Nevertheless, preparing hydrangeas for winter requires certain efforts and skills from the summer resident.

Classification by grade

The shrub is classified into two types: evergreen and deciduous. In regions with severe winters, the cultivation of deciduous hydrangea is allowed, as it tolerates frost better. In addition, the plant has several varieties that differ from each other not only in flowering, but also in the features of care.

How to cover a hydrangea for the winter: leaving in the fall, warming and sheltering tree-like, large-leaved, paniculate flowers in the Urals

Varieties of hydrangea:

  1. Chereshkovaya. Its feature is the absence of a trunk. The structure of this variety of hydrangea resembles a liana. It has frost resistance, so it does not require significant winter insulation.
  2. Himalayan. It is considered the most cold-resistant shrub of this genus. Doesn’t need cover.
  3. Treelike. It tolerates frost well and quickly grows with the advent of spring.
  4. Oakleaf. Not frost resistant. Requires shelter, mainly from the winds.
  5. large-leaved. It is thermophilic, needs careful autumn preparation for cold weather.

Video “Preparing hydrangeas for winter”

From this video you will learn how to properly prepare the hydrangea for the winter period.

preparing hydrangeas for winter

Autumn preparatory period

Heat-loving varieties of hydrangeas need to be prepared for the cold from September. The first procedures that help the plant to adjust to the “wintering mode” are pruning and top dressing. After the plant begins to shed foliage, proceed to pruning. It is worth noting that the features of this procedure depend on the type of culture.

Tree hydrangeas are removed by old damaged shoots, and healthy branches are shortened a little. This activates the spring growth of young twigs. The large-leaved variety is practically not pruned, with the exception of old shoots. This is due to the fact that in case of excessive shortening, the plant may no longer bloom. Paniculata hydrangea is almost completely thinned out, leaving the strongest branches.

It should be borne in mind that when a plant is affected by a fungal disease, all shrubs are subject to sanitary pruning, regardless of the variety. Two weeks after pruning, start feeding. Fertilize the shrub with phosphorus and potassium compounds. Nitrogen top dressing is unacceptable, as they activate the growth of new shoots, and this will disrupt the biological rhythm of the plant.

winter shelter

Late autumn is the period when many gardeners build a hydrangea shelter for the winter. But do not forget that not all shrubs need warming. Therefore, before proceeding with the organization of a greenhouse, it is necessary to determine the variety of hydrangea and, along with it, the degree of its frost resistance. If the plant tolerates low temperatures, an elementary hilling of the root zone will be more than enough. If the flower is thermophilic, it is prepared for winter in several stages:

  1. The trunk circle is covered with dry soil. This will prevent freezing of the root system.
  2. The branches of the bush are tied and gently bent to the ground.
  3. From above, the flower is covered with agrotextile.

Emphasis on climatic conditions

The shelter method is chosen taking into account the climatic features of a particular region. Flower growers in Siberia successfully grow even heat-loving varieties of hydrangeas. It’s all about the right cover. To protect their bushes from frost, gardeners use wooden tubs. In severe frosts, they simply move to the greenhouse with a comfortable air temperature and a favorable level of humidity. Residents of the Moscow region do not have to worry about the construction of intricate insulation, since the climate of this region allows you to grow many varieties without resorting to additional protection.

Plant care in the Moscow region includes several manipulations:

  • pruning shoots;
  • mulching with peat of the root area of ​​the shrub;
  • insulation of branches with spruce branches and cardboard boxes.

An important aspect of caring for a garden princess is removing the cover. It must be produced with the first warming, otherwise the plant may ban and rot. Heaters are removed layer by layer, and if frosts suddenly return, a film or polyethylene is thrown over the plant.

If the hydrangea has suffered during wintering, then it is important to cut the damaged branches as soon as possible so as not to provoke the occurrence of fungal diseases and further decay of the bush. Nitrogen fertilizers will be the best top dressing at this time. They will help the plant recover after the winter and activate the processes of sap flow.

Growing hydrangea does not involve significant material and time costs. The main thing is to be attentive to your pet and provide her with reliable protection in the cold season.

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