How to cover a garden hibiscus for the winter: pruning and warming in the fall of Syrian, herbaceous, tree-like varieties

Hibiscus, or Chinese rose is considered a houseplant. However, there are also varieties that take root perfectly as a garden crop in the conditions of the Moscow region and central Our Country. From our article you will learn whether it is necessary to cover hibiscus for the winter, and how to do it correctly.

When Hibiscus Needs Shelter

Not every variety of hibiscus needs shelter: hybrids and herbaceous varieties are quite frost-resistant, so in regions with moderately cold winters, it is not necessary to cover them. Syrian varieties (especially terry) are more tender and delicate, they must be insulated in the fall. The more the flower grows, the more resistant it becomes to cold and frost.

How to cover a garden hibiscus for the winter: pruning and warming in the fall of Syrian, herbaceous, tree-like varieties

Herbaceous varieties are cut and sprinkled with soil or foliage. In harsh climatic conditions, where frosts often fall below 30 ° C, it is necessary to insulate all varieties of hibiscus without exception. Especially whimsical and delicate exotics should be dug up and placed in a special container for wintering indoors.

In regions with difficult climatic conditions, even frost-resistant varieties under cover can die during the cold season. This may be due to the weakness of the plant, so when buying, be sure to make sure that the stalk is healthy and strong. Poor-quality planting material is doomed to death. For those who live in the northern regions, it is better to opt for hybrid (red, pink and light pink hibiscus) and herbaceous (northern) varieties. You can try to plant older tree-like Syrian varieties.

Video “Preparing for the winter of Syrian hibiscus”

From this video you will learn how to properly prepare Syrian hibiscus for the winter period.

Syrian hibiscus. Preparing for winter.

Rules of insulation

Before you cover the hibiscus for the winter, it needs to be prepared. Preparation of hibiscus for shelter and wintering consists of several mandatory procedures: watering, hilling and mulching the soil, as well as cleaning or pruning. Tree-like varieties do not need mandatory pruning, it is enough to clean the dry shoots and leaves. In the case of pruning, the branches are shortened by ⅓, if desired, pinch the side branches to form a new growth in the spring. Herbaceous varieties are cut to stumps, leaving no more than 10 cm above the soil.

Before the onset of the first frosts (individually in each region), it is necessary to carry out water-charging irrigation of shrub species. Humidification is carried out in several stages, but it must be completed before frost, otherwise an ice crust will form. A few days after watering, the ground in the near-trunk zone of shrubs or the remains of herbaceous hibiscus are spudded with a mixture of soil, humus and sand by 17–20 cm to protect the root system from overheating.

For soil mulching, it is recommended to use garden perlite, which prevents the entry of fungal spores. You can also use rotted manure. For autumn top dressing, potash fertilizers and superphosphate are used in a small amount. The optimal period for fertilizing is the interval between watering and hilling. This completes the care of the plant before warming.

Experienced gardeners advise starting hibiscus shelter at a temperature of 5 to 8 ° C below zero so that it has time to harden. Frost-adapted plants are not afraid of frost. To protect hibiscus in regions where in winter it is not more than 15 ° C of frost and weak autumn and spring frosts, frames covered with a special covering material are used. It can be spanbond, lutrasil, agrotex. For severe frosts, such material is not recommended. In the case of frosty snowy winters, spruce branches are the optimal material for shelter. It accumulates snow in itself, does not allow the plant to freeze or overheat. The spruce branches are laid in the form of a hut, having previously wrapped the bases of the branches with burlap.

Cover hibiscus in two ways, depending on the variety. For shrubs, frames are used, which are wrapped with non-woven material in several layers. Herbaceous varieties and weaving varieties are bent to the ground, covered with special material, then with a film and pressed down with a load.

Protection against rodents

How to cover a garden hibiscus for the winter: pruning and warming in the fall of Syrian, herbaceous, tree-like varieties

Under shelters from spruce branches and even frame structures in winter, rodents can climb in search of food. Field mice gnaw completely on the bark of a plant, which can cause irreparable harm to the plant and provoke its death. To prevent this from happening, traps and poisoned wheat are placed near or in the shelter, which can be purchased at gardening and hardware stores.

It is important to know not only how to properly prepare hibiscus for winter, but also not to miss the time when you need to remove the shelter. Too long a plant stay under cover can lead to its decay and death. But do not rush to get rid of the shrub if it does not bloom for a long time after a dormant period. There are varieties, in particular the Syrian varieties, which come out of dormancy much later than hybrids and herbaceous varieties.

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