How to count the number of pages in several Word documents at once

Finding out how many pages are in a Word document is very easy when the document is open. But what if there are a large number of files in one folder, and you need to find out the total number of pages in them? On Windows, this is easy to do.

Close all Word files. Open an Explorer window (in Windows 7, 8 or 10). If you are running Windows 8 or 10, then click on the tab View (View).

Note: Tab View (View) is available both when the Ribbon is expanded and collapsed.

How to count the number of pages in several Word documents at once

In section   Structure (Layout) click Table (Details).

How to count the number of pages in several Word documents at once

Note: If you are using Windows 7, then click the down arrow Additionally (More options) and in the menu that appears, select Table (Details).

How to count the number of pages in several Word documents at once

Right click on the title bar in the file list. A list of available information columns that can be displayed in the Explorer window appears, and two options for setting the width. Click Details (More).

How to count the number of pages in several Word documents at once

In the dialog box Selecting columns in a table (Choose Details) in the list Composition (Details) find the property Number of pages (Pages) and tick it. Click OK.

How to count the number of pages in several Word documents at once

Column Number of pages (Pages) will be added to the right of the existing columns. It shows the number of pages in each document.

Note: If the list contains files that do not have a page count, then the column Number of pages (Pages) nothing will be specified.

How to count the number of pages in several Word documents at once

Adding a column occurs only in the current folder. If you are using Windows 8 or 10 and want to make a column Number of pages (Pages) visible in all folders, then open the tab again View (View) and press the bottom of the button Parameters (Options). From the dropdown menu select Change folder and search options (Change folder and search options).

How to count the number of pages in several Word documents at once

Note: If you are using Windows 7, then click the button Sort (Organize) on the toolbar and from the drop-down menu select Folder and search options (Folder and search options).

How to count the number of pages in several Word documents at once

In the dialog box Folders settings (Folder Options) open tab View (View).

How to count the number of pages in several Word documents at once

In section Folder view (Folder views) click Apply to folders (Apply to Folders).

How to count the number of pages in several Word documents at once

A dialog box will open asking if you want to Set the view of all folders of this type on the computer in accordance with the view of the current folder (Do you want all folders of this type to match this folder`s view settings). Нажмите Yes (Yes).

How to count the number of pages in several Word documents at once

Press OKto close the dialog Folders settings (Folders Options).

How to count the number of pages in several Word documents at once

Note: If after adding a column Number of pages (Pages) You do not see the number of pages in your files, most likely you need to close and reopen the Windows Explorer window.

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