How to count pages, words, characters, paragraphs and lines in a Word document

Word has a tool that shows simple document statistics. Statistics contain information about how many pages, words, characters, paragraphs, and lines are contained in a document. Such statistics are useful if you need to be guided by the specified parameters when creating a document.

To see the statistics of a document, open it and go to the tab Reviewing (Review).

How to count pages, words, characters, paragraphs and lines in a Word document

In section Spelling (Proofing) click Statistics (Word Count).

How to count pages, words, characters, paragraphs and lines in a Word document

A statistics dialog will open, as shown in the picture at the beginning of this article. By the way, the number of pages and words in a document can also be seen in the status bar at the very bottom of the Word window.

Note: The number of pages is displayed in the status bar only in modes Page layout (Print Layout) or Draft (Draft) – these modes are enabled on the tab View (View).

How to count pages, words, characters, paragraphs and lines in a Word document

If you do not see the number of pages and words in the document in the status bar, right-click on it and select the items you want to see in the menu that appears. In addition, you can turn on the display of the line number in which the cursor is currently located.

How to count pages, words, characters, paragraphs and lines in a Word document

The number of lines and pages in a document can vary depending on several factors, such as page margins, font type and size, paragraph spacing, and so on. For example, if you decrease the font size, the number of lines and pages in the document will also change. Differences in the number of lines and pages can appear even due to slight differences in how fonts are handled by different print drivers.

In addition, for the number of lines specified in the report in the dialog box Statistics (Word Count), hidden text can be affected. If the printing of hidden text is disabled in the Word options, then the hidden text will not be taken into account when counting the lines in the document. If you want the lines of hidden text to be counted too, then the printing of hidden text in the Word options must be enabled.

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