How to correctly serve wine in order to show off erudition and not fall in the eyes of guests

They gave me a bottle of aged red wine Bourgogne Pinot Noir La Vignee for the New Year. I am not a passionate lover of this drink, but I really wanted to surprise my friends and not just drink this wine on occasion, but arrange a real tasting.

Friends supported me and on the appointed day brought a few more worthy bottles. I prepared carefully and was able to surprise the guests. I will tell you about how to properly serve and drink wine.

To what temperature should wine be chilled?

Temperature is of paramount importance. A deviation of even a couple of degrees in any direction simply “kills” the wine, preventing it from opening. When overheated, it strongly gives alcohol, when hypothermia, the taste and aroma almost disappear.

To eliminate mistakes, get a wine thermometer – I quickly appreciated this convenient and quite affordable gadget.

Important! As a general rule, the richer the bouquet of the wine, the higher the serving temperature should be.


Recommended serving temperature

Liqueur strong:

  • port wine (Sandeman, Offley, Porto Cruz, Fonseca, Calem);
  • heresy (Antonio Barbadillo, Croft Jerez, Diez-Merito, Duff Gordon, Gonzalez Byass);
  • madera (Barbeito, Justino Henriques Wines, Pereira d’Oliveira, Madeira Wine Company, Henriques & Henriques);
  • Marsala (John Woodhouse, Vincenzo Florio, Carlo Pellegrino, Lombardo Brothers).

6-8 ° С

  • champagne (Louis Roederer, Ayala, Gosset, Jacquesson, Krug, Veuve Clicquot);
  • sparkling: italian Asti (Mondoro, Chinzano, Martini), Prosecco (Valdo, Nino Franco, Ruggeri), Lambrusco (Lambrusco di Sorbara, Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce), Spanish Cava (Segura Viudas, Freixenet, Codorníu), фFrench, but not of provinces Champagne Crémant (Crémant de Bordeaux, Crémant d’Alsace, Crémant du Jura).

7-10 °С

  • pink (Cotes de Provence Rose, Rose of Anjou, Raimat Rosado’s Soul Flight, Lake Rose);
  • young white (Pino Grigio Torresella, Pratello Lugana, Arabarte Blanco, Coonunga Hill Chardonay)

10-13 °С

Liquor dessert:

  • nutmeg (The Muscat Reserve, Muscat Reserve Trimbach, Muscat Vineyards Massa Anarchy, Muscat Colterenzio Preferer);
  • tokay (Sepsis, We pray, Royal, Count Degenfeld);
  • Malaga (Scholtz Hermanns, Scholtz Cofera 1885, Sons of Antonio Barcelo, Larios);
  • kagor (Chateau du Cedre, Clos Triguedina, Georges Vigouroux, Tsantali, Massandra, Inkerman, Fotisal).

12-15 ° С

Aged white (Casillero del Diablo Sauvignon Blanc Reserva, Attems Chardonnay 2017, Lis Neris Pinot Grigio 2016)

12-15 ° С

Young red (Campo Viejo Tempranillo, Mud House Pinot Noir, Spice Route, Pinotage)

12-15 ° С

Aged red (Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve 2014, Burgundy Pinot Noir La Vignee, Saint-Joseph Rouge Lieu-dit, Arinzano Grand Vino 2010)

15-18 ° С

Which glasses are best for pouring wine

A wine glass is a combination of aesthetics and functionality. The correct shape allows you to open the bouquet.

Different wine regions have their own unique glasses for local varieties. If it is not possible to get them, I focus on the general requirements formulated by professional sommeliers:

  • thin colorless transparent walls, allowing you to evaluate the color of the drink;
  • rounded shape, slightly tapering upwards (the aroma is concentrated in the upper part of the container, it is easy to catch it);
  • volume of at least 100 ml (each guest will receive not a couple of drops of wine, but a reasonable portion);
  • the presence of a stem at least 4-5 cm long (if you hold the glass by the body, the wine heats up quickly).

Important! White wine glasses are smaller in volume than red ones. The first is used more chilled and does not have time to heat up in a small container.

How to prepare wine glasses

Dirt on glasses spoils the taste of even the best wine. And it is not always visible to the naked eye. Detergents inevitably settle on the walls. To avoid extraneous flavors, before tasting, I do this:

  1. I wash glasses by hand with baking soda or, in extreme cases, with a drop of detergent, not sparing hot water.
  2. Rinse thoroughly, also in hot water.
  3. Wipe dry immediately and polish with a clean linen or cotton cloth. Do not take a new one – there will be villi.

Important! It is best to store glasses in a tightly closed cabinet, not in the kitchen. And do not turn them upside down so that stale air does not accumulate inside.

How to pour wine correctly

Etiquette for this:

  1. The man fills the glasses (unless the tasting takes place in a warm female company).
  2. The pourer stands to the right of the guest, holding the bottle in his right hand so that he can see the label.
  3. During the bottling process, the drink should not fall on the remnants of the foil on the neck.
  4. First of all, the “head of the event” pours a little for himself (so that the crumbs from the cork do not get to the guests), then for the ladies present. Your glass is topped up last.
  5. The glass is filled 2/3 with white wine, holding the bottle 8-10 cm above it. Red – about half, bringing the neck as close to the edge as possible, but without touching it. The last requirement is simply practicality. Red wine stains are very difficult to remove.

Before pouring wine, the bottle must be opened. The process in compliance with all the subtleties is a whole ceremony:

  1. Show guests the closed bottle and the label on it. Tell us what the name of the wine is, who is the producer, the vintage year, what wine region it comes from.
  2. Tell me more about the drink. It is a sin to refuse the opportunity to show off erudition. Interesting facts about the brand, manufacturer, production process will make the tasting process informative.
  3. Remove the foil from the neck, wipe it with a cloth.
  4. Screw the corkscrew into the cork, placing it in the center. Do not pierce it through so that the particles do not get into the wine.
  5. With a corkscrew, pull out the cork about 3/4, remove the tool from it, then work with your hands.
  6. Wipe your neck again. Examine the cork itself – check the markings, smell it (this will help determine if the wine has gone bad). Put it on a saucer next to the bottle.

I believe that a bottle of good wine requires respect. The rules of etiquette and sommelier advice are not an empty phrase. The desired temperature of the drink, suitable glasses, and other nuances help to fully reveal the taste of the drink and enjoy it.

And what is your opinion on this matter? Is it worth it to strictly follow all the rules and recommendations? Or is a bottle of good wine completely self-sufficient and does not need “dancing with tambourines” around it?

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