How to correctly measure the circuits? How to properly measure yourself on a diet? |

In the previous part of this article, I described why the control of the effectiveness of the weight reduction process should be supplemented with the measurement of the circumference of individual parts of the body. In addition, it also contains information on what and how to measure yourself. It also contained detailed descriptions of the measurements of the circumference of body parts such as the chest, arms and forearms. As announced, this part of the article contains descriptions of how to measure the circumference of other parts of the body, as well as information about when to measure yourself and whether it is worth doing it yourself, or better with someone else’s help. How can I check if I am losing weight? How to properly take circuit measurements? How to measure waist circumference? How to measure the circumference of the abdomen? How to measure the circumference of the thighs? How to measure the circumference of the lower leg?

7 E additives you can eat with confidence

How to measure yourself? (part I)

In this article you will learn, among others:

  • How to correctly measure the circuits?
  • How to correctly measure waist circumference?
  • How to measure the circumference of the abdomen?
  • How to measure the circumference of the hips?
  • How to correctly measure the circumference of the thigh?
  • How to measure the circumference of the lower leg?
  • When to measure yourself?
  • Can you measure yourself?

How to correctly measure waist circumference?

Tape centimeter should be placed horizontally (parallel to the ground) so that it runs through the deepest place of the side profile of the body – the largest indentation in waist. Measurement should be made in apnea.

How to measure the circumference of the abdomen?

Tape centimeter should be placed horizontally (parallel to the ground) so that it runs through the middle of the navel. Measurement should be made in apnea.

How to measure the circumference of the hips?

Centimeter tape should be placed horizontally (parallel to the ground) so that it runs through the greatest bulge of the gluteal muscles – the points most protruding towards rear.

How to correctly measure the circumference of the thigh?

Tape centimeter should be placed just below the buttocks and groin, horizontally (parallel to the ground) around its entire perimeter.

How to measure the circumference of the lower leg?

Tape centimeter should be placed at the thickest point of the lower leg, horizontally (parallel to to the ground) around its entire perimeter.

When to measure?

If we want to the measurements of the circumferences of individual parts of the body that we performed were possible to use in controlling the effectiveness of the weight reduction process, they must they meet certain assumptions. The time of day we make is very important measurements. In order to avoid the influence of external factors on the obtained result, it is advisable is to measure yourself in the morning, on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up. Surely it won’t do us any good if we measure ourselves every day. The optimal period of time between consecutive inspections varies from a week to even a month.

Can you measure yourself?

To measure yourself alone or use the help of “third parties”? Both solutions have both advantages and disadvantages. If when measuring circuits some parts of the body will be helped by someone, it is certainly these measurements will be more accurate than what we would have done on our own. However, with on the other hand, we are “addicted” to when controlling these parameters this person. What if our helper is unable to help us? If we measure the circuits individual parts of the body alone, the resulting differences may be a consequence of a measurement error, and not changes that have occurred in ours the body. Therefore, before choosing any of the solutions, you should consider all of them for and against.

How are your measurements? Do your circuits also drop and your weight is still? Are you measuring each other correctly? Let me know in the comments!

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Damian Yefremienko Coach

Master of physical education with a training specialty, graduate of postgraduate studies in dietetics and nutritional counseling at the Medical University in Poznań, doctoral student at the Department of Sport Theory of the University of Physical Education in Poznań, physical recreation instructor specializing in strength exercises, would-be physiotherapist. scientific. He hates mediocrity and cursory problem solving. Personalization and a holistic approach to the patient are “obvious obvious” for him. She loves to share her knowledge and is eager to expand it. He is most interested in all issues related to the physiology of exercise. Passionate about mountain tourism and new technologies

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