How to copy or move a worksheet to another workbook in Excel

Sometimes when working with an Excel workbook, it becomes necessary to copy or move a sheet to another workbook, or make a copy of a sheet in the same workbook. For example, you want to change something, but at the same time keep the original sheets.

First, we will show you how to copy a sheet from one workbook to another existing or newly created Excel workbook. Right-click on the tab of the sheet you want to copy, and from the context menu select Move or copy (Move or Copy).

How to copy or move a worksheet to another workbook in Excel

In the dialog box Move or copy (Move or Copy) in the drop down list In the book (To book) Select the workbook to which you want to copy the sheet.

Note: To copy the selected sheet to an existing workbook, that workbook must be open. If the required book is not open, then it will not be in the drop-down list.

How to copy or move a worksheet to another workbook in Excel

We are going to copy the selected sheet into a new workbook, so in the dropdown In the book (To book) choose an option A new book (New book). Put a tick in the line Create a copy (Create a copy). Since we are creating a new book, in the list Before the sheet (Before sheet) there will be no other sheets. This sheet will be the only one in the new workbook.

Note: If you want to move the selected sheet to another workbook, then do not check the box Create a copy (Create a copy).

Press OK. A new workbook will be created and the sheet will be copied into it. If you decide to move a sheet, it will no longer be in the original workbook.

How to copy or move a worksheet to another workbook in Excel

You can also create a copy of a sheet in the same workbook. Such a need may arise if you want to make changes to the sheet, but you want to keep the original version. As described earlier in this article, open the dialog box Move or copy (Move or Copy). Default drop down list In the book (To book) the current book is selected – leave this as it is. Listed Before the sheet (Before sheet) select the sheet before which you want to paste the copied sheet. We decided to insert a copy of our sheet at the very end of the book after all existing sheets. Check the box Create a copy (Create a copy) and click OK.

How to copy or move a worksheet to another workbook in Excel

The sheet will be inserted and its tab will appear to the right of the existing sheet tabs.

How to copy or move a worksheet to another workbook in Excel

Thus, it is very convenient to change the order of sheets and the structure of workbooks. This can also come in handy if you need to send someone not a whole workbook, but one specific sheet of this workbook.

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