How to cope with anxiety in quarantine: a webinar on Healthy Food Near Me

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Tired of the disturbing news that has been pouring in the last days from all sides? Not sure how to stop thinking about a new threat? Can’t cope with panic or depressed mood in the conditions of constant stay in the apartment? Our expert will answer your questions related to the psychological state in quarantine in a special webinar on April 8 at 19.25. You can ask them in the comments to this article.

Our webinar with the participation of a professional psychologist can be attended in full accordance with the latest recommendations – without leaving your home.

On April 8, at 19.25, our expert, Olga Kochetkova-Korelova, a practicing psychologist, will analyze all your concerns and questions related to being in self-isolation.

We will talk about how you can cope with increased anxiety, how to overcome the discomfort due to the need to constantly be at home, what to do so that the forced stay within 4 walls affects your mood as little as possible …

You can ask your questions in the comments below this article or live through the OK Live app. And don’t forget to register for the webinar (it’s free) so that we will send you a reminder on the day of the broadcast!

Olga Kochetkova-Korelova

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