How to cook the most delicious okroshka: 5 important nuances

How to cook the most delicious okroshka: 5 important nuances

Favorite summer soup, simple and quick, great for hot summer and just for fasting days. But in order for it to turn out to be also tasty, you need to observe some subtleties.

The classic recipe for okroshka is boiled potatoes and eggs, fresh cucumbers, radishes, meat or boiled sausage, herbs, sour cream for dressing and pouring: kvass, kefir or other fermented milk products. And each point has its own nuances.

Potatoes must be beautiful

Roskachestvo experts have repeatedly told how to choose the perfect potato. In short: the tubers should be firm, firm, dry, free from damage and odor, without growths and green spots. Sprouted potatoes are also best left where they are.

“Try to take medium-sized potatoes – they contain a minimum of harmful substances and an optimal amount of useful ones,” experts say.

By the way, an interesting fact: pink potatoes are good for frying, yellowish ones for soup and borscht, and excellent mashed potatoes are obtained from white crumbly varieties.

Important! Cut potatoes and other vegetables into equal cubes or strips.

Fresh eggs

Boiled eggs are responsible for the delicate taste in okroshka. When buying, pay attention to the production time (the fresher the better) and the place of production. The closer geographically to the poultry farm, where the eggs came from, the more benefits they have and the same freshness.

Important! Egg yolk can be chopped into okroshka, like the rest of the ingredients, or made into a dressing. Recipe: grind the yolks with mustard, add sour cream, sugar, salt to taste and mix with a small amount of kvass.

Greens of increased tenderness

With the choice of green onions and dill, everything is simple: the branches should be young, firm, fresh in appearance. The branches of the “old” dill are tougher – it can be distinguished by their thick stems and a large distance between the “legs”. And if brownish spots appear on the onion arrows, then it is better to look for something fresher. Give preference to greenery, which is sold by weight: in the trays you cannot see what is under the upper, “front” branches.

Important! If the greens still seem harsh to you, then lightly rub the chopped dill and onions with fine salt – this will add tenderness.

Meat or sausage?

For full compliance with the norms of healthy nutrition, it is better to take, of course, meat – boiled chicken or turkey, lean veal will also be good. As for the sausage, they usually take “Doktorskaya” – initially it was developed specifically for dietary nutrition and delivered to hospitals and sanatoriums, where people were recovering from severe injuries and digestive diseases.

Important! According to the results of research by Roskachestvo, the best “Doktorskaya” belongs to the brands “Myasokombinat” Balakhonovsky “,” Okraina “,” Snezhana “,” Pit-Product “.

What will we fill?

If we talk about the classic recipe, then you need to pour okroshka with kvass. And not sweet, but sour. Ideally, make kvass at home. A few recipes, by the way, can be found HERE.

If you don’t like kvass, then it’s not a sin to pour okroshka with milk whey, kefir, ayran and, in principle, any fermented milk product.

Important! Natural kefir can be stored for only 36 hours, in glass bottles – 72 hours. If a longer shelf life is indicated on the packaging, most likely we are dealing with a counterfeit product containing vegetable fats.

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