How to cook strawberry jam in a slow cooker

For some people, summer is a time for vacations and a long-awaited vacation, for others it is a desperate suffering when the house turns into a mini-factory for processing fruits and berries. But today the conversation will not be about bowls of jam and not about giant pots of winter salads. Residents of big cities also want to leave a fragrant memory of the summer in the form of a jar or two of jam. After all, the store is not the same. And the multicooker will be an assistant in this matter. Strawberry jam in a slow cooker turns out tasty, fragrant, no worse than the traditional one.

How to cook strawberry jam in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is the dream of any housewife, a real magic pot from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. You just need not to say a magic spell, but put all the ingredients into it, set the program and turn it on.

The process of making preserves and jams in a slow cooker is almost identical to the traditional technology. You just do not need to observe the process and be inseparably nearby. The ratio by weight of fruit and sugar is classic (a kilo of sugar per kilogram of berries). You can take a little less sugar. However, you need to store such a product in the refrigerator under a tight lid. Otherwise, it may sour.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker under a closed lid comes out a little liquid, but the berries remain completely intact. This situation can be easily corrected by adding a special composition containing gelatin at the end of cooking. The product will acquire the desired density. There are a variety of gelling compositions on sale: from almost exotic agar-agar to pectin and gelatin.

Important! The gelling composition is added at the end of cooking. Do not boil the mixture, as it loses its properties.

How to cook strawberry jam in a slow cooker

Jams and preserves in a slow cooker are most often prepared using modes.

  • Languor.
  • Quenching.

You can find recipes using the “Frying” mode and continuous stirring. But with the same success, you can make blanks in your grandmother’s copper basin on an antediluvian gas stove. In addition, stirring can damage the coating of the multicooker bowl.

In fact, there are many recipes for a slow cooker. If, for example, you don’t care too much about keeping the berries whole, you’ll get a wonderful jam. At the same time, the preparation of berries and syrup is almost the same.

Basic tips

  1. Rinse the berries under running water, dry on a paper towel. The drier they are, the more concentrated the final product will be.
  2. Sprinkle berries with vodka. The concentration of alcohol is negligible, so there is no need to talk about harm to health. But the flavor of the jam will be spicy.
  3. For an unusual flavor, you can add lemon zest, walnut kernels or almonds to the jam.
  4. Flavoring additives (cinnamon, vanilla) also have the right to life. But it is important not to overdo it with these spices, so as not to spoil the product. The natural strawberry flavor is just so wonderful.
  5. When placing the ingredients in the multicooker bowl, make sure that the bowl is about a quarter full. Otherwise, the jam will “escape” from the saucepan to the table.

How to cook strawberry jam in a slow cooker

Classic jam


  • 1 kg of sugar and berries.
  • 1 sachet of gelling mix.

Remove the sepals from the berries. Rinse and dry them. Pour the strawberries into the multicooker bowl, add sugar. Set the extinguishing mode (60 min.). Boil the jam with the lid closed and with the valve removed. Pour the gelling mixture a couple of minutes before the program ends. Stir carefully. The jam is thick, beautiful bright color, with whole berries.

strawberry jam


  • Strawberries – 1,5 kg.
  • Sugar – 3 glass.
  • Lemon juice – 2 tablespoons.
  • Fruit pectin – 50 g.

The algorithm for making jam is as follows. Crush the prepared strawberries with a wooden pusher, mix with sugar and lemon juice. Transfer the resulting mixture to a slow cooker and turn on the “Stew” cooking method for 3 hours. Boil the jam with the lid open. Add pectin after 30 minutes from the start of cooking. Stir the jam for the whole time 2 times, using a spoon made of silicone or plastic.

Jam with nuts


  • Strawberries and sugar – 1 kg each.
  • Water – 2 multi-glasses.
  • Walnut kernels – 200 g.

Pour the prepared berries over the sugars and leave for half an hour. Add nut kernels. Transfer the mixture to a slow cooker, add water and stir. Set the extinguishing mode to 1 hour.

Strawberry confiture with cherries

The jam turns out to be excellent in taste, and the smells that fill the kitchen are simply magical!


  • Strawberries without sepals – 0,5 kg.
  • Pitted cherries – 0,5 kg.
  • Sugar – 1 kg.

How to cook strawberry jam in a slow cooker

Wash the berries separately, put them in an enamel bowl, sprinkle with sugar. Soak for about an hour until the berries release juice. If desired, you can add walnut kernels (300 g). Transfer the mixture to a slow cooker. You need to cook for 60 minutes using the “Extinguishing” mode.

Arrange the finished jam in sterilized dry jars, roll up and wrap. Until the product has cooled completely, keep it wrapped up.


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