How to cook zucchini caviar is best to ask our grandmothers and mothers, who always knew that zucchini grown in the country must definitely go into business. Zucchini caviar was prepared in order to “eat now” and closed in jars for long-term storage. Each housewife has her own recipe and cooking method, we will consider different options and will be happy to cook zucchini caviar at home.
For caviar, which is planned to be consumed in a few days, it makes sense to choose young zucchini with delicate skin and small seeds so that the vegetable goes completely into the dish. If you need to cook zucchini caviar for the winter, then late September varieties of zucchini are perfect for this, which are no longer so juicy, but can be stored for a long time.
An ideal dish for cooking squash caviar is a heavy-bottomed casserole, cast iron or Teflon. You can use a cauldron or stewpan, but also with thick walls and a bottom, so that the food does not burn during prolonged stewing.
Simple squash caviar
- Zucchini – 1 kg.
- Onions – 2 pc.
- Garlic – 3-4 teeth.
- Wheat flour – 2 tbsp. l.
- Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. l.
- Tomato paste – 2 Art. l
- Salt, spices to taste.
Rinse young zucchini, cut off the stalk, if the skin is even and flawless, do not peel. Cut the zucchini into large pieces and mince. Fry the chopped onion in oil for 2-3 minutes, add the zucchini, reduce the heat and cook under the lid for 10 minutes. Sift flour over zucchini, add finely chopped garlic and tomato paste. Stir, salt and season with spices. Cook for another five minutes, stir in fresh herbs if desired, or sprinkle with them on top, when serving. An ideal snack with dried Borodino bread or baguette.
Traditional squash caviar
- Zucchini – 1 kg.
- Bulgarian pepper – 1 pc.
- Tomatoes – 3-4 pcs.
- Onions – 2 pc.
- Garlic – 3-4 teeth.
- Sunflower oil – 5 tbsp. l.
- Chili pepper – pinch
- Salt, spices to taste.
Wash, peel and cut the vegetables into medium cubes. Fry the onions in hot oil for 2-3 minutes, send peppers to it, and in a minute – tomatoes. Fry a little and add the courgettes, cover and cook over medium heat for 30-40 minutes until soft. If you want, grind the vegetables with a blender right in the pan, add chopped garlic, salt, seasonings and chili. Cook for another 2 minutes, remove from heat and refrigerate. The squash caviar prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks.
Zucchini caviar for the winter
- Zucchini – 3 kg.
- Onions – 1 kg.
- Carrots – 1 kg.
- Tomatoes – 1 kg.
- Garlic – 1 Head
- Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.
- Salt, spices to taste.
Rinse everything thoroughly and cut into equal cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Heat the oil in a skillet and fry the vegetables in turn, then putting them in a deep saucepan, first onions, then carrots, zucchini and tomatoes. Stir the caviar in a saucepan and simmer over medium heat for 35 minutes. Add garlic, salt and spices. Advice – do not get carried away with dry seasonings, they can give unnecessary acid during long storage. Boil for a few minutes, transfer to sterilized jars and seal. If you trust the sterilization process of cans with caviar more, go for it.
Interesting ideas and unusual tips on how to cook squash caviar can be found in our Recipes section.