How to cook salmorejo?

How to cook salmorejo?

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How to cook salmorejo


Ripe tomatoes – 800 grams

Bread – 200 grams

Garlic – half a prong

Water – 250 milliliters

Olive oil – 50 milliliters

Salt – half a teaspoon

Pepper to taste

How to cook salmorejo

1. Cut off the crust from the bread.

2. Cut the bread into 2 cm squares.

3. Put the bread cubes in a bowl, pour over 250 ml of water, set aside for 30 minutes.

4. Wash the tomatoes, pour boiling water for a few minutes.

5. Drain the boiling water from the tomatoes, peel them from the skin, seeds, cut out the place where the stalk is attached.

6. Finely dice the tomato pulp.

7. In a blender put tomatoes, bread, not wrung out from water, half a clove of garlic, pour in olive oil, salt and pepper.

8. Grind the contents of the blender into a thick puree.

9. Pour the salmorejo into a bowl, cover with cling film, put in the cold for 2 hours.


Delicious facts

– Salmorejo is served cold, sometimes with pieces of ice, garnished with slices of boiled egg and thinly sliced ​​slices of prosciutto or any other raw smoked ham.

– Salmorejo, poured into glasses, is served as tapas – an appetizer to various drinks.

– By its pinkish-orange color, salmorejo is similar to another cold Spanish soup – gazpacho, but differs from it in a thicker consistency due to the added bread.

– Due to the thick consistency of salmorejo soup, it is used as a sauce for dipping chips, bread, French fries.

Reading time – 2 minutes.


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