How to cook rolls? Video recipe

The technology for making rolls is quite simple. However, you can add variety to your Japanese menu by wrapping rice in seaweed in different ways. This will make your rolls look fresh and original.

This roll is served in the classic and most common form – nori seaweed outside

You will need: – 1,5 tbsp. round grain rice; – 2 tbsp. l. rice vinegar; – 10 g of sugar; – a pinch of salt; – 200 g smoked eel; – 1 fresh cucumber; – 2 tbsp. l. sesame; – sheets of nori seaweed; – soy sauce; – wasabi.

Start your rolls by boiling rice. Put the rice in a saucepan and rinse in 5–6 waters so that it is not too sticky. Then fill it with cold water so that it covers the rump by two fingers. Place a pot of rice on the stove and bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat. Cook the rice for 20-25 minutes without stirring. As a result, it should be soft and sticky. In the meantime, heat the vinegar a little and dissolve the sugar and salt in it. Season the rice with this vinegar, then refrigerate to such a temperature that the rice does not burn your hands when preparing the rolls. However, it should not cool down completely.

If the rice starts to burn, reduce the heat and add water to the pot.

Take a roll mat and cover it with cling film. Put a sheet of nori on it, and on top – a layer of rice no more than 0,5 cm thick. Leave one edge free for later fastening the roll. Prepare the filling. Cut the smoked eel and cucumber with the peel into thin strips. After that, you will need to put a portion of the filling along the line of the center of the future roll. Gently roll the nori with the rice so that the filling is inside. Press down on the roll when folding, giving it the correct rounded shape. Moisten the free edge of the seaweed with water so that it glues the roll. Then cut the resulting roll into 8 pieces. Sprinkle the finished rolls with sesame seeds and serve with soy sauce and wasabi.

This roll, very popular in the USA and Europe, must be wrapped with rice on the outside.

You will need: – 400 g of ready-made sushi rice; – 200 g of crab meat; – 1 ripe avocado; – 100 g of Philadelphia cheese; – 70 g of red tobiko caviar; – nori sheets; – soy sauce; – wasabi.

The rather expensive tobiko caviar can be replaced with a cheaper, but similar in taste analogue – chaplain’s caviar

Cook the rice as described in the first recipe. Place it on a nori sheet and coat with an even layer of tobiko caviar. Turn the algae leaf itself over the rice side down. Peel the avocado and cut into strips, chop the crab meat. Place the avocado, crab and cream cheese filling on top of the seaweed. Then gently roll up the roll, making it square in the process. If the rice is cooked correctly, it should keep its shape and not crumble. Cut the roll into 8 pieces and serve with wasabi.

This way of serving rolls is most suitable for a party in a company. You will save your time and will be able to quickly and varied feed a large number of guests.

You will need: – 600 g of cooked sushi rice; – 200 lightly salted salmon; – 300 g raw shrimp; – 1 fresh cucumber; – a bunch of green onions; – Japanese mayonnaise; – 100 g of Philadelphia cheese; – nori sheets; – soy sauce; – wasabi.

Cut the salmon and cucumbers into strips, then chop the green onions. Boil the shrimps in salted water for 4-5 minutes, peel off the shell and remove the head and tail.

Moisten your hands with water, roll the rice into a ball and place it in the center of the nori sheet. Place the filling on top – for example, prawns with green onions and a little Japanese mayonnaise. Roll the nori into a cone to keep the top edge open and prevent the rice and filling from spilling out. Serve these rolls immediately after cooking, before the seaweed has softened.

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