How to cook red cherry plum tkemali 

Tkemali is an incredibly delicious sauce that is very easy to make at home. Oddly enough, this Georgian delicacy is made from fruits with the addition of various spices. This preparation has a pleasant sweet and sour taste and is very popular. Classic tkemali is made from plums, but they can be easily replaced with cherry plums. Below you can find out the recipe for red cherry plum tkemali.

How to cook red cherry plum tkemali 

Sauce Basics

What is not added to tkemali to make its taste even more unusual. There are recipes for this blank with currants, cherries, gooseberries and kiwi. It is usually served with meat dishes, poultry and fish. One gets the impression that the sauce is able to give a brighter taste to any dish. It can also be smeared on bread, like adjika or other sauces.

Many people add the blank to the barbecue marinade. The acid contained in it makes the meat more tender and juicy. In addition, the workpiece is added to kharcho soup. This gives the soup a sharpness and a pleasant aroma. A note of piquancy to the workpiece will come from the garlic and hot peppers contained in it. And spices and fresh herbs make it incredibly appetizing and fragrant.

How to cook red cherry plum tkemali 

Tkemali is from Georgia. The most common spice among Georgian cooks is suneli hops. It can also often be found in tkemali recipes. The main ingredient is, of course, plums. But since cherry plum is a close “relative” of plums, there are many sauce recipes with this fruit.

Important! It also contains coriander, mint, dill seeds, parsley and basil.

Now we will consider the recipe for harvesting red cherry plum. It turns out as bright and appetizing as plum tkemali. We will also add bell pepper to the sauce to make its taste more expressive. Remember that overripe or underripe fruits are not suitable for tkemali.

How to cook red cherry plum tkemali 

Red cherry plum tkemali

To prepare Georgian sauce, you need to prepare:

  • one kilogram of red cherry plum;
  • one Bulgarian pepper;
  • two sprigs of basil;
  • three heads of garlic;
  • one hot pepper;
  • three sprigs of fresh parsley;
  • three tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • one tablespoon of salt;
  • spices – Khmeli-suneli seasoning, coriander (peas), dill seeds, curry, pepper (ground black).

Red cherry plum tkemali sauce is prepared as follows:

  1. Cherry plums are thoroughly washed, poured into a prepared pan and poured with water (hot).
  2. The berries are boiled over low heat for about 6 or 7 minutes. Readiness can be determined by the skin. If it cracks, then it’s time to get the berries out of boiling water.

    How to cook red cherry plum tkemali 

  3. Then they are transferred to a colander and ground to separate the bones.
  4. Now we need to prepare the rest of the ingredients. Garlic is peeled, mint and parsley are washed, Bulgarian and hot peppers are washed and the seeds are removed. Peppers are cut into several pieces and thrown into the blender bowl. Greens with garlic are also added there. Everything is carefully ground. You can also use a meat grinder.

    How to cook red cherry plum tkemali 

  5. Then mashed berries are poured into the pan and put on fire. The mixture should boil for about 20 minutes. In the meantime, you can prepare the spices. They are mixed and lightly rubbed to grind the coriander.
  6. After 20 minutes have passed, you need to add prepared spices and chopped peppers to the mixture. Then the dish is salted and sugar is added. The mixture is well mixed and boiled for another 5 minutes. After that, you can taste the workpiece, if something is missing, add it.
  7. The finished sauce is poured into jars and rolled up with sterile lids. Store tkemali in a refrigerator or cellar.

    How to cook red cherry plum tkemali 

You can cook a small portion of cherry plum tkemali and eat it immediately without rolling it up. Then the workpiece is poured into a clean container and stored in the refrigerator. In this form, it can stand for no more than a month.

Attention! The longer tkemali is stored, the more taste and aroma are lost.

If you roll up this Georgian sauce for the winter, then pour it into jars while still hot. The blank does not require additional sterilization. It is only necessary to sterilize the jars and lids themselves. You can do this in any way convenient for you. Filled and rolled jars are turned upside down and left to cool. In this red cherry plum tkemali recipe for the winter, you can add your favorite spices and herbs. If desired, you can change some spices for others.


Now you know how to cook red cherry plum tkemali. Be sure to cook this preparation and treat your family with traditional Georgian sauce. We are sure it will perfectly complement your favorite dishes.

Cherry plum tkemali sauce for the winter, cherry plum jelly – 2 recipes

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