How to cook rapans?

Before cooking, you need to remove the rapan meat from the shells; this can be done easily with an ordinary fork. To clear the dense part of the rapanas, which differ in white color – it is this part that is suitable for food. Dip the peeled rapan meat into a saucepan with new boiling water and cook for another 5 minutes. Boiled rapan has a bright white color and soft meat.

How to cook rapan

1. To separate the rapana meat from the shell, it is necessary to boil the water and dip the rapana in the sink for 2 minutes in boiling water. Or you can put the rapana in the freezer for 1 hour so that the muscle of the rapana relaxes and stops holding the sink.

2. Stick a fork deeper into the sink, tear off the meat and, picking it up, pull it out of the sink.

3. Clean off all dark places from the meat with your hand, remove the intestines, the stratum corneum, rinse under water from the sand, put the rapan meat in a saucepan. Additionally, you can sprinkle the rapan with coarse salt, rub with your hands and rinse.

4. Fill the rapan with new cold water with a margin of 1 centimeter; if there are a lot of rapans, then leave them to cook in their own juice without adding water.

5. Bring the water to a boil and cook the rapanas in it for another 5 minutes.

As a decoration, boiled rapana can be put back in the sink. It is important that the sinks must be thoroughly brushed inside and out.

How to cook frozen rapana

1. Defrost rapanov at room temperature or in the microwave, remove the packaging.

2. Put the rapans in a saucepan, add water and cook after boiling for 2 minutes.

Delicious facts

Price rapan – from 800 rubles / kg of frozen product (on average in Moscow as of June 2017).

Taste Rapanov resembles pickled mushrooms and boiled squid at the same time.

– In our country and Russia, rapana appeared relatively recently, from the end of the 40s of the last century. It is important that they used to live in the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Moreover, in the Black Sea, rapans grow twice as fast, and since the rapan is a predator, in the Black Sea, due to the invasion of rapans, a massive disappearance of mussels and oysters occurred.

– Rapanov is important do not digestotherwise they will become rubbery.

Use rapanas as an appetizer, marinating with vinegar, fry cutlets from them, add to rice and salads instead of squid.

– Rapana is universal food in the beach part of the Black Sea. It should be borne in mind that the rapana is very satisfying and it is unlikely to eat a lot of them. At the same time, it is impossible to store rapana for a long time, a maximum of 1 day in the refrigerator.

– Boiled rapans can be store for a long timeif you freeze them after cooking. They will be stored in the freezer for up to six months.

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