How to cook pork lung: several recipes
Pork lung dishes attract many gourmets not only for their pleasant taste, but also for their low fat content and low calorie content (only 91 kcal per 100 g). This wonderful offal can be eaten even by dieters. Usually, pork lung is soaked, boiled with seasonings, and then stewed, fried or baked in the oven. Original sauces and marinades will help to diversify the recipes.
How to cook pork lung: several recipes
How to cook pork lung properly
Experienced cooks always soak the pork lung before further cooking so that the water draws out toxins and spotting from the offal. This will make the dish taste more tender. Be sure to let the frozen pork lungs thaw at room temperature, then put them in an enamel container and completely fill them with clean water. Soak the offal for several hours, regularly changing the liquid that has lost its transparency.
Chef of Casablanca gastrobar, resident of Open Kitchen (Ufa)
After several waters, pour milk over the lung, let it sit, rinse with cold water and cook further. This will make it taste more delicate. To prevent the lung from floating, choose a lid for the pan with a smaller diameter, and press it down with a weight on top.
Fill a deep saucepan with 2/3 water, dip the pork lungs into it and put on fire. When the water boils, add the medium-sized peeled onion and table salt to taste. Simmer the lungs for 2 hours over low heat, turning from time to time. Be sure to descale with a slotted spoon. Stick a fork into the offal – if the released juice is not red, but brown, then the lung can already be eaten. Cool it slightly, remove large bronchi, trachea and cut into strips. If you want the slices to acquire a dense consistency, place them under a press for 2-3 hours.
The product will cook faster if you cut it into large pieces (1 light into 4 pieces). Put in cold water, put onions, spices there, bring to a boil, reduce the temperature, simmer at 90 degrees. With this cooking, the lung will turn out to be soft.
Pork lung goulash with corn and cucumbers
On the basis of boiled pork lung, you can prepare a delicious gravy for potatoes or boiled rice.
For an original recipe for goulash, you will need the following set:
a pair of pig lungs
onions (3 heads)
garlic (1 wedge)
red and green bell peppers (1 pod each)
refined vegetable oil (3 tablespoons)
broth or water (0,5 cups)
bay leaf (1-2 pcs.)
canned corn (1 can)
pickled cucumbers (200 g)
cream (0,5 cups)
table salt and black pepper to taste
Method of preparation:
Fry chopped onions in a cast-iron saucepan in vegetable oil, add slices of boiled lung, pepper, garlic and sauté everything for 5 minutes.
Season the contents of the saucepan with spices and spices, cover with water or broth and simmer under a lid over low heat for 1 hour. If necessary, add boiling water.
Add chopped cucumbers and corn 7-10 minutes before cooking. Season the goulash with cream before serving.
Pork lung can be used to make a great pie filling. Boil offal, scroll through a meat grinder and mix with fried onions and carrots
Chinese spiced pork lungs
Try marinating pork lungs with an original set of spices and herbs, and then fry the offal. This will give it extraordinary softness, tenderness and rich flavor bouquet.
To prepare 1 kg of pork lungs, you will need:
rice vinegar (2 teaspoons)
soy sauce (2 tablespoons)
garlic (4-5 cloves)
star anise (3-4 stars)
egg (1 pc.)
Chinese cabbage (1 fork)
table salt to taste
wheat flour (4 tablespoons)
onion (1 pc.)
a pinch of spices: dried dill and basil, coriander, cloves, cinnamon
Method of preparation:
Cut the boiled pork lungs into strips and drizzle with vinegar and soy sauce.
Pass the peeled garlic cloves through a garlic press.
Mix the offal slices with spices, garlic and place in the refrigerator compartment to marinate for 2 hours.
After that, beat the salted egg into a froth, add to the pickled ingredients and sprinkle with flour.
Fry finely chopped onions in a deep skillet, add the spiced offal slices and quickly (within 3-5 minutes) fry over high heat. Remember to constantly stir the contents of the dishes so that they do not burn.
Disassemble the head of Chinese cabbage, rinse the leaves thoroughly and place in a colander to drain the water completely. Place portions of pork lung on top of them and serve.
Look for even more recipes in the “Kitchen” section.