How to cook pollock fish soup?

How to cook pollock fish soup?

Cook the pollock soup for 15 minutes; in total, it takes half an hour to process the products.

How to cook pollock fish soup


Pollock – 1 kilogram (3-4 pollock fish)

Water – 4 liters

Potatoes – 8 pieces

Chicken eggs – 2 pieces

Carrots – 1 piece

Onion – 1 head

Black peppercorns – 10 peas

Bay leaf – 2 leaves

Garlic – 3 prongs

Dill and parsley – small bunch

Salt – to taste


1. If the fish is frozen – defrost it, preferably slowly, that is, in a natural way: at room temperature.

2. Wash pollock, cut off its head, remove fins and scales and gut to obtain fillet. 3. Cut the fish into several small pieces.

4. Put the heads in a pot of boiling water (4 liters) and cook the pollock heads for 25 minutes.

5. Remove the heads from the broth.

6. Peel and cut into 1 centimeter cubes, add to the broth, season with salt and cook for 15 minutes.

7. Peel the onions and carrots, coarsely grate the carrots, finely chop the onion.

8. After 15 minutes of boiling the potatoes, add the pollock fillet pieces to the broth.

9. After 5 minutes of boiling pollock add onions and carrots.

10. Beat chicken eggs and stir in ear.

10. Add salt to the broth and add spices and finely chopped garlic.

11. Cook pollock fish soup for another 5 minutes.


Tips for cooking pollock fish soup

1. At the end of cooking, optionally, you can add 50 grams of vodka and a little lemon juice – this will give the pollock ear a special piquancy.

2. After cooking, pollock ear can be infused for a little, 15-20 minutes, under the lid to make the ear more saturated.

3. Onions and carrots, before adding to the ear, can be fried in a skillet in vegetable oil.

4. Pollock soup can be simply cooked in a multicooker: put all the ingredients in a multicooker pan, set it to the “Soup” mode and cook for 1 hour.

5. When boiling fish soup, 20 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add 100 grams of rice, millet or pour in 10 minutes before the end of cooking 2 beaten chicken eggs.

6. To cook a child’s pollock fish soup, it is necessary to bring the water to a boil, add pieces of pollock fillet, onion and carrots. After 20 minutes, remove the onions and carrots, add the potatoes, chopped raw onions and grated carrots. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in 1 beaten chicken egg.

Reading time – 2 minutes.


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