Cook lamb’s tongue in salted water for 1,5-2 hours, depending on the youthfulness of the mutton and the freshness of the tongue.
In a slow cooker, cook mutton tongue on the “Soup” or “Chicken broth” mode for 1-1,5 hours.
Cook lamb tongue in a pressure cooker for 25-35 minutes.
Cook mutton tongue in a double boiler for 2 hours.
How to cook mutton tongue
How to cook mutton tongue in a saucepan
1. Wash the lamb’s tongue, peel off the film, cut off the skin.
2. Pour cold water into a saucepan, place a whole tongue in it, boil and immediately drain the water.
3. Pour fresh cold water into a saucepan with tongue, boil and cook for 1,5 hours (if the tongue is small and the lamb is young) or 2 hours (if the tongue is large and the lamb is mature), over low heat.
4. Periodically skim off the foam from the broth surface using a slotted spoon.
5. Add a few peppercorns and one bay leaf to the broth being prepared, and season with salt.
How to cook mutton tongue in a slow cooker
1. Put the washed and peeled mutton tongue, one whole onion and a whole carrot in a multicooker container, pour boiled water up to mark 8, salt the water.
2. Set the “Chicken broth” mode on the multicooker and cook the mutton tongue for 1 hour.
How to cook mutton tongue in a pressure cooker
1. In a pressure cooker, bring salted water to a boil, place the washed and cleaned mutton tongue there, cook with the lid closed for 25 minutes.
2. In the middle of cooking, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and one bay leaf to the broth.
How to cook mutton tongue in a double boiler
1. Rinse the lamb’s tongue and peel off the skin and film, rub with salt and pepper, sprinkle with half a teaspoon of lemon juice.
2. Put the tongue in a saucepan and leave for 30 minutes. Transfer to foil, wrap the edges, place in a double boiler (in the upper bowl), cook for 1,5-2 hours until soft.
Boiled lamb tongue salad
Salad products
Lamb tongue – 3 pieces
Lettuce – 8 large leaves
Red bell pepper – 1 piece
Green bow – multiple arrows
Carrots – half
Beet – half
Pitted olives – 5 tablespoons
Mustard – 1 tablespoon
Olive oil – 3 tablespoons
Grape vinegar – 2 tablespoons
Ground black pepper and salt – to taste
How to make a salad with boiled lamb tongue
Peel turnips, carrots. Boil mutton tongue with turnips and carrots, add salt and pepper.
Tear or cut the salad with a wooden knife. Pour bell pepper with water, put on fire and cook for 10 minutes. Then peel, seed and cut into strips.
Combine grape vinegar, olive oil and salt. Peel the tongues and cut into strips. Put lettuce, pepper, tongue on each plate. Pour the vinegar, oil and salt mixture over the salad. Decorate with olives and serve.
Lamb tongue and peach salad
Lamb tongue – 200 grams
Chinese cabbage – 100 grams
Fresh cucumber – 1 piece
Pickled champignons – 4 pieces
Peach (canned / fresh) – 3 wedges
Pine nuts – 3 tablespoons
Mayonnaise – 3 tablespoons
Salt – to taste
How to make lamb tongue and peach salad
1. Rinse the lamb’s tongue, place in a saucepan with water and boil.
2. Drain water, replace with fresh water and cook for 90 minutes. After boiling, cool the tongue and cut into small pieces.
2. Finely chop one hundred grams of cabbage, cut canned or fresh peaches into square cubes, rinse the pickled mushrooms and cut into cubes.
3. Mix tongue, cabbage, peaches and mushrooms with mayonnaise. Cut the fresh cucumber into slices and use them as a salad decoration along with pine nuts.
Delicious facts
– The calorie content of lamb tongue is 200 kcal / 100 grams.
– If used old lamb, during the cooking process after boiling, change the cloudy water to fresh one time to eliminate the unpleasant aftertaste.
– If you dip a mutton’s tongue into cold water after boiling, the skin covering the tongue will it is easier to separate.
– Young mutton tongue (up to 1,5 years old) and sheep tongue do not possess specific smell.
– Traditionally, mutton tongue is accepted to file under tomato, sour cream and nut sauces.
– Average cost fresh lamb tongue in Moscow – from 480 rubles / 1 kilogram (as of June 2017).
– Sheep tongue rich useful microelements and vitamins: calcium (strengthening bones), B1 (energy exchange), PP (metabolic processes) and B2 (fat burning).
– Is stored lamb tongue in the refrigerator, in a sealed package for two days.
How to get rid of the smell of mutton tongue
– Soak lamb’s tongue in lukewarm water for 30 minutes before cooking.
– Wipe the tongue with salt and let stand for about 5 hours.
– Use spices to muffle unpleasant odors. For the lamb tongue, mint herbs, coriander, origano, cumin, cumin are suitable. It is best not to use rosemary, parsley, bell peppers, or dill.
– Fresh tomatoes, radishes, radishes, garlic, onions (half a piece for one mutton tongue), as well as dairy products (milk, kefir, yogurt – you need to fill in the mutton’s tongue so that it is completely was covered in liquid).
– To get rid of the smell of mutton tongue and make it softer, before cooking it should be soaked in carbonated mineral water with the addition of 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Put the soaked tongue under the press for 2-3 hours.
– The smell is completely eliminated if you use vegetable puree from carrots, tomatoes and bell peppers instead of water.