How to cook hedgehogs?

Cook hedgehogs for about 1 hour.

How to cook hedgehogs


Minced meat – 300 grams

Rice – 120 grams or ½ the usual 300 ml mug

Onion – 1 medium

Carrots – 1 medium

Eggs – 1 piece

Tomato paste – 4 tablespoons

Salt, pepper to taste

  • Put the rice to boil on low heat, fill it with 1 cup of water and cover with a lid. Cook for 10 minutes after boiling.
  • Peel vegetables and rinse under running water.
  • Cut half the onion into strips, and chop the carrots with a grater.
  • Saute the vegetables in a little oil until the vegetables begin to turn golden.
  • Add tomato paste to the vegetables, stir and fry for a few more minutes, until the tomato paste changes color.
  • After boiling for 10 minutes, put the rice on a sieve and rinse a little under cool water.
  • Cut the other half of the onion into small cubes.
  • Put rice, onion, minced meat in one bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste and mix well.
  • Heat water in a kettle, pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Separate small pieces from the resulting mass, shape into neat balls and dip in boiling water.
  • After laying out the first layer of hedgehogs, wait until they turn gray, and then lay out the next layer.
  • When all the minced meat with gray hedgehogs is boiling in a saucepan, add frying to the broth and cook for another 10-15 minutes.

Delicious facts

This option for cooking hedgehogs is dietary and fast. Classic hedgehogs are formed in large meatballs and stewed in a small amount of sauce alternately on different barrels.

Rice for cooking hedgehogs should be used round and medium grain. Rice of these varieties contains more starch and sticks the minced meat better during cooking – therefore, you can rinse it only 1-2 times before cooking, and not 6-7 times, as for cooking a side dish.

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