Goat meat tastes a bit like mutton, and in terms of nutritional properties it is almost as good as beef.
It contains especially many vitamins of groups A and B. The most valuable is the meat of young domestic kids, it tastes very delicate and does not have a specific smell that frightens off some gourmets. Meanwhile, any goat meat can be cooked so deliciously that it will become a signature dish even at a festive meal.
Goat meat dishes: marinate and bake
Before cooking, the meat of old and wild goats is usually marinated to make it more tasty and aromatic. The goat meat must first be washed very well in running water and chopped into pieces.
As a filling, you can use a mixture of the following products (for 1,5 kg of goat meat):
- mayonnaise (0,5 cups)
- tomato sauce (5 tablespoons)
- semi-sweet red wine (200-250 ml)
- onion (1 head)
- allspice peas, table salt and any other spices and herbs to taste
Stir all the ingredients of the marinade thoroughly, then place the portioned pieces of meat in it so that they are completely immersed in the liquid. If necessary, you can add wine. Leave the goat meat to soak in the acid, fat, and spicy platter overnight in a cool place, but do not freeze. After that, the meat can be cooked: fry or simmer in a saucepan until tender.
It is recommended to cook pickled goat meat only in an eco-friendly glass or ceramic container. Plastic or metal dishes can irreparably spoil the nutritional value and taste of the product.
The tender loin of a young domestic goat does not need to be pickled before further cooking. Washed meat can be cooked immediately: fry and bake in the oven.
To make a chic holiday meat dish, for one serving you will need:
- goat meat (about 300-350 g)
- bulb
- garlic (1 head)
- green peas (2 tablespoons)
- green beans (2 tablespoons)
- tomatoes (2-3 pcs.)
- pickled champignons (30 g)
- vegetable oil (2 tablespoons)
- natural honey (2 teaspoons)
- dry red wine (1 glass)
- soy sauce (2 teaspoons)
- sprig of basil
- table salt, ground pepper and seasonings to taste
Pepper and salt the loin pieces, fry in vegetable oil and transfer to a deep frying pan. Add crushed garlic, any spices (rosemary or thyme can be used), 1 tablespoon honey, and wine. The sour spicy liquid should cover the meat. Simmer the goat meat, covered, over low heat until softened (about 2 hours).
In a separate bowl, fry the vegetables with soy sauce and the rest of the honey. Roll the prepared loin in breadcrumbs and hold in a hot oven for 15 minutes. Serve on a flat plate, overlaid with vegetables, basil and tomato slices. Season the hot with the goat sauce.