Boiled condensed milk, of course, behaves much better in baking – it does not leak and does not burn. And if there is only ordinary condensed milk in the house, and you are too lazy to run after toffee, it is logical to cook liquid.
The first method – we cook condensed milk in an iron can. Opponents of this method believe that it is very harmful, and make unreasonable comparisons with the harm of a microwave oven. However, these suspicions have not been proven to this day, and thousands of housewives around the world are boiling condensed milk in a tin can.
Put a jar of condensed milk in a deep container, fill the container with water and let it cook for several hours – up to 3. The more time the condensed milk is cooked, the thicker and darker it will be. Do not let the water boil over: otherwise you risk washing the kitchen from the exploded can. In a pressure cooker, the cooking time is reduced to an hour.
second method – pour the condensed milk into a saucepan and cook, stirring and watching the thickening process. The only negative is that you cannot move away from the stove, otherwise it will burn.