How to cook compote: recipes from fresh, frozen, dry berries, fruits without and with sterilization

In the old days, fresh compote was called uzvar. This traditional drink got its current name from the French word compote. Various fruits and even vegetables are suitable for its preparation. Today we will tell you from what and how best to cook delicious and healthy compote for the whole family at home.

Fineness of preparation

The main components of the drink are placed only in already boiled water, then you need to cook only over low heat. Food consumption is usually about 500 g of fruits or berries per 2,5 liters of water. You will need to add 100 g of granulated sugar and citric acid to ensure a bright color. A drink made from fruits such as plums and apples can be brewed in 10-15 minutes. It cooks faster from well-boiled apricots or peaches – about 5-7 minutes, which will pass after boiling. Sugar is recommended to be added immediately before drinking the finished drink.

How to cook compote: recipes from fresh, frozen, dry berries, fruits without and with sterilization

Video “Fresh fruit compote”

In this video you will learn how to make a healthy fruit compote.

Homemade fresh fruit compote

Traditional ways

In any of the compotes made from berries or fruits, sugar, salt and citric acid should be added, the amount of which is indicated in the recipe. We bring to your attention simple options for homemade drinks from your favorite berries, which are made without sterilizing jars and lids, since they can be tasted soon after preparation.

From fresh fruits

How to cook compote: recipes from fresh, frozen, dry berries, fruits without and with sterilization

The main ingredient of this drink is an apple (one is enough), you will also need an orange peel, 1 glass of water, sugar and cinnamon are added to your liking.

You need to boil water, add a citrus peel, peel the apple and cut it into pieces, place it there and cook for up to 3 minutes. Then sugar is added and after a minute a cinnamon stick. The drink is poured into mugs while still hot, the orange peel and cinnamon must be removed.

You can make an easy homemade compote with fresh apples and cherries. Fruits and berries are taken 300 g each, 1 liter of water and 4 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.

Apples need to be washed, core removed and chopped with a knife; pure cherries are used without ponytails and pits. When the water in the pan boils, prepared apples and sugar are poured, 5 minutes after the mixture boils, cherries are poured, boiled for another 10 minutes. Before serving the drink, we advise you to insist it for at least 11 hours.

From dried fruits

A simple low-calorie drink is prepared from a mixture of any dried fruit in the amount of 50 g, 50 ml of juice, 1,5 cups of water with the addition of sugar and honey to taste.

Dried fruits should be washed to remove possible debris, pour water and cook for about 20 minutes, remembering to add sugar. After it dissolves, you should get a thick drink.

Housewives can also make a delicious drink from dried apples, dried apricots, prunes and raisins, taken 100 g each, as well as lemon – 0 pcs., Sugar – 5 g, water – 150 l and frozen raspberries (the latter are optional ). Dried fruits are first poured with boiling water for a couple of minutes, then the drink is cooked over low heat for about 1,5 minutes.

From frozen preparations

How to cook compote: recipes from fresh, frozen, dry berries, fruits without and with sterilization

Try making a vitamin drink with a couple of handfuls of frozen chokeberry, 1 cup of water, 2 mint leaves, adding sugar and honey to taste.

The berries are poured into a saucepan with already boiled water, boiled a little. Then you need to add fresh or dry mint. Before serving, it is better to strain the drink because of the tart taste of berries, which not everyone wants to bite into.

A bowl of frozen fruits and berries can be obtained without cooking, taking 250 g of any fruit and berries from jam, 150 g of sugar and 1 liter of water. The main components are rinsed with water and laid out in cups. Sugar syrup is prepared, which is poured over the berry-fruit mixture and allowed to brew for about 3 minutes, after which you can drink.

Original drinks

Today it is difficult to surprise with apple and pear compotes, but drinks with the participation of nectarine, the addition of cardamom, turmeric or raisins, cooked from melon, will please any gourmet.

Nectarine with cardamom

How to cook compote: recipes from fresh, frozen, dry berries, fruits without and with sterilization

For cooking, you will need the following products: cardamom – 1 pc., Nectarine – 100 g, water – 1 cup, sugar to taste.

Wash the nectarine and remove the pit, cut in half, then into slices. Then pour it with boiled water and boil for about 5 minutes, adding sugar and after another 5 minutes cardamom. Before use, you can not filter.

From pears and apples with turmeric

How to cook compote: recipes from fresh, frozen, dry berries, fruits without and with sterilization

Oriental spice makes the color of the drink more saturated, it will need a little – ¼ tsp, you need pears and apples – 3 each, and sugar – 150 g.

Fruits should be washed, core removed and cut into 4 parts, covered with sugar and turmeric. The container, covered with a lid, is placed in an electric oven and heated at a temperature of 120 ° C for no more than 20 minutes. It turns out a great winter preparation.

Plums with lemon and raisins

How to cook compote: recipes from fresh, frozen, dry berries, fruits without and with sterilization

Such a drink is useful not only for people who have problems with the intestines, it requires 5-6 plums, a slice of lemon, 1 tbsp. l. raisins, 1 glass of water and granulated sugar, which is added to taste.

Fruits and raisins are washed, we advise you to soak the latter for a short time. Plums, from which the bones are first taken out, are boiled in a saucepan with water, then the raisins are poured and cooked for about 5 more minutes. A slice of lemon is placed at the very end, sugar is added before tasting.

from melon

How to cook compote: recipes from fresh, frozen, dry berries, fruits without and with sterilization

To get a drink with an unusual taste and aroma, you need to take 2 kg of melon, 1 lemon, 1 kg of granulated sugar and 1 glass of water.

The melon must be washed, cut into pieces, peeled and the seeds removed. Next, the fruit is crushed into cubes, juice of 1 lemon and water are added, bringing the composition to a boil. The broth is filtered, adding sugar, boil until thickened. A melon thrown into a colander is placed in boiling syrup, when the drink boils, it is considered ready. Before use, it is better to insist for a day.

In addition to preparing drinks that you only need to insist and can immediately drink at any time of the year, excellent preparations for the winter are made from fruits or berries. To do this, the components are boiled, sterilized and canned.

This technology became known at the beginning of the XNUMXth century thanks to the French chef Nicolas Apper. Do not be afraid to experiment and cook compotes from gooseberries, dogwood, rhubarb, tangerines, as well as other interesting and healthy drinks.

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