How to cook celeriac?

Choosing the right celeriac

Choose a whole celery ball. Pre-cut, it is damaged and quickly loses its benefits. Medium in size with uniform white-brown skin, no holes and fairly heavy. In France, we consume only 600 g of celeriac per person per year. A food whose original flavor nevertheless deserves to be known!

The health benefits of celeriac

Low in calories but quite energetic (compared to celery root), celeriac is also well endowed with vitamin C. It is a source ofPotassium and contains fiber. Easy to digest, it is rich in antioxidants.

How to prepare celeriac?

Mashed, the rustic side of celeriac is softened by that of the potato (which gives it body). For taste, add a knob of butter and a hint of nutmeg.

Raw, celery is eaten in its “remoulade” version. Blanched then grated or detailed in julienne, it is served with a mayonnaise-based seasoning and it can be embellished with grated apple.

Steamed : break it up into coarse pieces, then steam them, making sure they retain a light crunch. Mix them with other seasonal vegetables, chopped parsley and a few celery leaves.

The pro tips:

  • Conservation : whole, celeriac will keep for 6-7 days in the crisper of the refrigerator. Beforehand, do not forget to eliminate its soil and sand when you return from the market. Peeled and cut, you can keep it for 4 days. Provided that it is wrapped in a clean cloth or an airtight container and that it is lemony.
  • Preperation : using a paring knife, remove the growths on the surface of the bulb. Remove its branches, if it has any, and cut it into equal parts. All you have to do is peel it using a peeler and cut it into pieces of the chosen size.
  • Cooking: count 10 minutes in the pressure cooker. You can then brown it in a pan. In the oven, roast your slices at 180 ° C for 30 minutes with olive oil and spices. Do you want to have it bleached? Immerse it for 5 minutes in boiling water.

Dad’s tip

“For my daughter Célia, I cook celeriac fries. I cut sticks out of a celery ball. Then I immerse them for 5 minutes in boiling water, I drain, then I season. And hop, go to the oven to roast them for 10 to 15 minutes! To be served with mashed carrots, for example.»

Julien, Célia’s dad, 26 months old

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