How to cook beef shoulder?

In order to cook a beef shoulder, it will take about two hours. It will be possible to reduce the time only in a pressure cooker or a multicooker pressure cooker, where it will be cooked in 40 minutes.

How to cook beef shoulder

If you cook traditionally, in a saucepan on the stove, you will need to take a whole piece of the spatula (up to 1 kg), pour it with cold water and put it on fire. Immediately after boiling, foam will begin to appear, which it is advisable to remove with a slotted spoon or a large spoon. Having reduced the heat, you should cook the beef for about an hour, then check the readiness (softness) and cook for another 20-30 minutes if the meat is tough. After that, use the resulting broth for cooking, and cool the beef and cut into pieces of the desired size, serve with a side dish or with vegetables.


Delicious facts

Beef itself is dense, tough meat that takes a long time to cook. Unless, of course, this is a soft variety and not veal. Before eating, the beef shoulder will have to be boiled or stewed for about two hours. The shoulder blade is the shoulder part of the carcass, mainly tight muscle fibers. But some places of the shoulder blade are quite tender, they can be cooked quickly. The backs are fine-fibred, with layers of fat. If you cut them into small strips, then it will take only a few minutes to fry. Soft, finely veined shoulder fillets can be used to make tartare. It is also a good choice for dishes such as meat rolls, cutlets, beef stroganoff.

Traditionally, beef shoulder is taken for soups, borscht, jellied meat. Scientists have proven that such meat contains a large amount of trace elements and antioxidants useful for the human body. Therefore, many chefs combine tasty with healthy, preparing dishes based on beef shoulder. The meat goes well with any side dishes, including vegetables, enriching their taste.

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