How to cook a paste from flour or starch with your own hands, recipes

When we are going to glue wallpaper, we go to the store and buy wallpaper paste, believing that this is the best way out. The use of ready-made glue saves time, and the result is good. But if you like to do everything with your own hands, want to save money, or if you need just a little glue, then you can replace it with a paste. In the article we will tell you from what and how to cook the paste yourself.

A properly prepared paste does not differ in consistency from a store-bought one.

What is a paste

A paste is a self-made adhesive made from natural ingredients, flour or starch. The tool is suitable for pasting walls and ceilings with wallpaper, as well as for working with crafts made of paper and papier-mâché. Homemade glue is valued for the absence of harmful impurities.

The advantages of the paste include:

  • environmental cleanliness and safety of the product;
  • low cost – to make a paste, you only need starch / flour and water;
  • ease of preparation – the preparation procedure will take several minutes;
  • availability of products – ingredients can be bought at any grocery store;
  • ease of use;
  • fast setting with any surface;
  • easy wallpaper removal.

One of the disadvantages of the product is the short shelf life after preparation. When performing work, it is important to take into account that the solution deteriorates quickly. At room temperature, it is advisable to use the glue within 24 hours. It will last a maximum of 3 days in the refrigerator.

What can paste be made from?

To prepare a paste, you will need rye, wheat flour or starch. Options with mixing ingredients are possible. Glue of different properties is obtained from different flours. It is wrong to choose from which flour the paste will turn out better. Each has its pros and cons.

The main ingredients for making a paste are flour and starch

From starch, corn is preferable – it contains a lot of gluten, which has a positive effect on the properties of the product.

Potato starch glue will turn out clean and transparent, but it sets slowly, quickly turns sour in heat, and changes properties when exposed to air for a long time.

The composition prepared from wheat raw materials has an average hardening. It is versatile and can be used in bookbinding, wallpapering and making toys.

Paste, cooked from rye flour, is characterized by increased strength. Among the advantages of glue made from rye flour, moisture resistance is noted.

It is advisable to adhere to the following rules in order to get a quality paste for use:

  • Do not take the highest grade flour – when dried, the paper web turns yellow.
  • Choose a second-rate coarse grinding product. This will provide the adhesive mass with the required viscosity.
  • Sift flour through a sieve before using to get rid of debris.
  • Stir the solution well until the lumps disappear.
  • Use an enameled basin or pan or stainless steel utensils.

Advice. The components of the paste attract insects. It is advisable to mix karbofos when cooking. To protect against mold, 100 g of copper sulfate is added to starch glue per 1 g of the product.

Adding karbofos to the paste protects against bugs, and copper sulfate – from mold and fungi

cooking recipes

For wallpaper

Welding paste for wallpaper is a simple task. Wallpaper on the wall will last longer if the glue is properly welded. It is important here how much and how to cook the paste. Required:

  • water – 1 l;
  • flour – 200 g;
  • whisk;
  • pan.

Technology of preparation:

  1. Take 1 or 2 grade flour as raw material and sift.
  2. Dissolve the product in 1,5 cups of cold water. For convenience, use a whisk.
  3. Bring 1 liter of water to a boil in advance. In boiling water, in a thin stream, slowly pour in the flour solution, stirring continuously. After boiling, remove the paste from the fire.
  4. Strain the mixture – get a homogeneous consistency.
  5. In case of excessive density, dilute with boiled water so that the composition resembles thick jelly.

Wallpaper glue made from flour is a good alternative to a supermarket product. This composition does not contain harmful chemicals, which is good for repairing a children’s room.

Do not prepare a paste in reserve: adhesive properties deteriorate after daily storage.

Classic Starch Paste Recipe

The main ingredients are water plus potato or corn starch. Stick to the following sequence:

  1. Pour the sifted starch into a bowl. Add cool water in a ratio of 2:1. You will need 2 tbsp. l. water for 4 tbsp. l. starch. If the amount of bulk substance increases, the volume of the liquid increases proportionally.
  2. Stir the starch with a wooden spatula and pour in the water in a thin stream. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. Pour in 200 ml of boiling water in the same way. Knead until the mass thickens. Put the workpiece on a small fire, and heat for two minutes, but do not boil.
  4. Remove the hot glue from the stove.
  5. Filter the hot mixture through cheesecloth or a sieve.

Use glue only after cooling.

How to cook from starch and flour

The product of these ingredients is distinguished by quality and strength. The paste recipe is simple and is prepared in the following way:

  1. Mix starch and flour in equal proportions, 100 g each, dilute with a glass of cold water.
  2. Boil 0,8 liters of water separately.
  3. Pour the starch-flour mass into boiling water with continuous stirring.
  4. Warm over low heat, avoiding boiling.

To check the quality of the welded composition, moisten your fingers and do not separate them for a minute. If effort is required to separate them, then the adhesive is strong.

Reinforced fixation paste with PVA

When gluing paper wallpaper, PVA glue is added to the starch solution for reliability. The recipe includes:

  • starch – 60–90 g;
  • PVA – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water – 1 l.

How to prepare glue:

  1. Pour the powder with 500 ml of cold water and mix.
  2. Pour 0,5 liters of boiling water into the dishes with active stirring.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring continuously.
  4. Mix the PVA with the solution after it has cooled.

When dark wallpaper is pasted, PVA is replaced with wood glue. The composition effectively fixes the paper web. It will take 20 grams of funds per 1 liter of the finished mixture.

By adding PVA or carpentry glue to the paste, you can improve the quality of the composition

Waterproof paste

To get a waterproof paste, add calcium chloride:

  1. Dissolve 0,6 g calcium chloride in 40 l of water.
  2. Dilute separately 400 g of starch in 0,4 l of liquid.
  3. Combine the two compounds and add to a 4-liter pot of hot water.
  4. Warm up 4 min.
  5. Filter after 2 hours.

If starch is placed in the oven and heated to 160 ° C, held for 2 hours, then it turns into dextrin. These yellowish or brownish lumps are ground into powder and diluted with water in a ratio of 1/3. Mix 1 tbsp. l. sugar per 100 g of powder to increase stickiness. Dextrin glue dries quickly and effectively fixes wallpaper.

Calcium chloride is sold in various containers

Paste for papier-mâché

In the manufacture of crafts, applications, panels, glue is required to securely and discreetly connect the parts. Papier-mâché paste is easy to make with your own hands. You will need:

  • a spoon;
  • a bowl;
  • sieve;
  • salt – 5 g;
  • flour – 160 g;
  • water – 3 tbsp.

Cook flour paste for paper or cardboard crafts as follows:

  1. Sift flour.
  2. Take the sifted flour and stir with 250 ml of cool water until the lumps disappear.
  3. Add salt and mix thoroughly.
  4. Warm up the rest of the water.
  5. Transfer the flour mixture to a bowl of hot water.
  6. Cook the composition, stirring for 10 minutes over low heat.

For paper

When doing creativity for paper or cardboard crafts, you can use another composition. Glue for paper using flour is done like this:

  1. Pour into a bowl 1 tbsp. flour – wheat or rye.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp. water and mix with a blender.
  3. Slowly add 2 more glasses of water. Keep track of the uniformity of the composition.
  4. Place the container on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat.
  5. Remove the dishes from the stove after boiling.
  6. Wait until the paste has cooled down.

Storage of the composition is limited to 2 days in a hermetically sealed jar. Paper products that are fastened with glue are durable and reliable in use.

Paste for window sealing

Windows made of plastic (PVC) are in high demand, but their installation is not cheap. Homeowners do not replace old wooden windows with plastic ones because of the cost or to preserve the individuality of the house. For some, wooden double-glazed windows are preferable, since this material is safe for health. But wood products have a minus. Windows dry out over time and let the cold through. Pasting cracks in window frames will help save on space heating and make the house warmer.

An easy way to insulate your home is to seal cracks with paper or fabric strips. The main thing is to choose the right composition so that the strips do not fall off with a sharp change in temperature.

A good window paste is obtained by mixing 0,5 tbsp. flour with a liter of water. The mass is brought to a boil and boiled over low heat until it becomes thick. Work begins after the adhesive has cooled.

We smear a strip of paper with a paste and close up the cracks in wooden windows

How to make a paste without cooking

To make flour glue, heat treatment is not always required. A paste consisting of flour and water can be prepared without cooking. The preparation of the product assumes that the raw material is diluted with cool water in a small volume, and then boiling water is poured into the resulting mass.

You can use a simple option:

  1. Sift 160 g of flour.
  2. Boil 1 liter of water.
  3. Add the boiled liquid to the basin with the sifted flour in small portions, remembering to constantly stir the mass. The finished composition is characterized by a creamy density.


A paste made from flour or starch is a time-tested and tested remedy by our grandmothers. This adhesive is still in demand during repairs and in creativity. The secret of the popularity of a simple remedy lies in its cheapness, naturalness and hypoallergenicity. We hope that our advice will help to properly weld homemade glue and use it depending on the purpose.

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