How to cook a fluffy omelet: 5 life hacks from experienced housewives

An omelet is perhaps the perfect breakfast dish. Firstly, eggs are useful in the daily diet, secondly, the omelet is delicious, and thirdly, cooking it is as easy as shelling pears. True, if you know how to do it correctly.

If your omelettes look like pancakes and you dream of a tall and fluffy omelet like it was once served in kindergarten, use these little culinary tricks. 

Life hack number 1 – milk and eggs in a 1: 1 ratio

It is recommended to follow a 1: 1 combination – for one part of eggs according to the omelet recipe, 1 part of milk is required.


If you want to be as accurate as possible, you can do the following. Take an egg, rinse it well under running water (you can even do this with soap), break it, pour the contents into a bowl, and pour milk into the remaining half of the eggshell. For 1 egg, you will need to fill the shell with milk twice.

Life hack number 2 – correct “grandmother’s” whipping

To prepare an omelet, eggs are never whipped with a mixer or blender. We use only a fork or whisk. Beat the eggs lightly, achieving not foam, but a homogeneous mixture.

Life hack number 3 – scrambled eggs are not scrambled eggs, we cook without additives

Do not use flour, starch, mayonnaise, additives: meat, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms. These ingredients only weigh down the omelet and prevent it from rising. It is better to wrap all the ingredients afterwards in a ready-made omelet. 

Life hack number 4 – cook in the right dish

On the stove, cook in a heavy-bottomed skillet with high sides, covered. Better yet, put the omelet in an oven preheated to 190 degrees or cook it in a slow cooker.

Life hack number 5 – give it a rest

When the omelet is ready, don’t rush to serve it right away. Leave the omelet on the stove for 2-3 minutes. So the transition from high temperature to room temperature was gradual.

And if you need interesting recipes for an omelet, use the search on the site, we have so many of them!

Bon appetit!

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