How to convert a Word 2013 document to an older Word format

Each version of Word comes with new features that were not available in previous versions. In Word 2007, in addition to new features, Microsoft has changed the file format for Word documents and the extension has changed from .doc on . Docx.

Files saved in the latest Word format (*.docx) cannot be opened in versions of Word earlier than 2007. What do you do when you need to provide a document for work to a person who uses Word 2003? You can easily solve this problem by saving your file in the old format .doc right into Word 2013.

To do this, open the document that you want to convert to an older format and go to the tab File (Queue).

How to convert a Word 2013 document to an older Word format

On the left side of the window, click Save as (Save As).

How to convert a Word 2013 document to an older Word format

Select the desired location: OneDrive, Компьютер (Computer) or other storage.

How to convert a Word 2013 document to an older Word format

Next select the folder under headers current folder (Current Folder) or Recent folders (Recent Folders), or use the button Review (Browse) if the desired folder is not in any of the lists.

How to convert a Word 2013 document to an older Word format

Open the folder where you want to save the converted file. In drop down list File Type (Save as type) select Word document 97-2003 (Word 97-2003 Document, *.doc).

How to convert a Word 2013 document to an older Word format

If necessary, change the file name and click Save (Save).

Note: You don’t have to change the filename. Because the files have different extensions, they are treated as two different files and can be saved in the same folder.

How to convert a Word 2013 document to an older Word format

A dialog box will open Microsoft Word – Compatibility Check (Microsoft Word Compatibility Checker) with a notification about which properties of this document will be lost as a result of saving it in the format of an earlier version. If the loss of the listed properties does not bother you, click Continue (Continue) to save the document in the old format. If some properties are very important and nothing will work without them, click cancellation (Cancel) to leave the document in the latest format. In some situations, it is necessary to convert a file, such as when you want to send a document for editing to someone who uses an older version of Word.

If you don’t want to check compatibility every time you convert a document, uncheck Compatibility check when saving documents (Check compatibility when saving documents).

How to convert a Word 2013 document to an older Word format

After the document is saved in an older format, a note will appear in the title bar next to the file name Reduced functionality mode (Compatibility Mode).

How to convert a Word 2013 document to an older Word format

If necessary, you can convert documents saved in older versions of Word to Word 2013 format.

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