How to control the Omicron?
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Omicron is a new WHO-registered variant of the coronavirus that, due to the large number of mutations in the protein, may be more contagious than the Delta variant. This does not mean, however, that its increased transmission cannot be prevented. What to do to control the omicron? Let’s use the tools we already have.

  1. Among the symptoms indicating infection with Omikron are general weakness and sore throat
  2. Scientists are still examining whether the Omikron is more contagious than the Delta variant
  3. Despite more mutations within the Omicron, we still have tools to protect ourselves from it
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

The first reports of the Omikron variant appeared in mid-November 2021. A new variant of the coronavirus registered by WHO as variant B.1.1.529 was detected in the province of Gauteng in southern Africa. Single cases of patients infected with Omikron also appeared in Hong Kong, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

What do we know about the Omikron variant?

Scientists studying the Omikron variant found that it has a significant number of mutations (50), most of which are within the spike of the protein (32). After the new coronavirus strain was detected in southern Africa, cases of infection were also confirmed in other countries, emphasizing that the carriers were not only travelers from Africa. Not all patients had contact with them, which may also indicate the local transmission of Omicron, which mutates in a host with reduced immunity.

Check it out: What distinguishes the Omikron variant?

Laboratory studies are carried out to show whether the pathogen is as contagious as Delta and whether it shows the ability to escape immune response, as was the case with the Beta variant.

  1. Most contagious viruses ever. Can Omikron pierce them?

The rest of the article under the video.

How to protect yourself from Omicrons? The most important tools – masks, vaccines, social distance

At the moment we know an incomplete picture of the Omikron variant, but we have the tools to defend ourselves against it, as the journalists from The Guardian also point out.

In this case, the most important thing is to wear masks with a protective filter in public places, keep social distance, and ventilate rooms used by a larger group of people.

  1. You can buy a set of FFP2 filtering masks at an attractive price at

Above all, however, we have vaccines with 95% efficiency that protect against the severe course of COVID-19. Although mRNA vaccines show a decline in efficacy after 5-6 months, efficacy is restored after the administration of the third booster dose.

  1. What medications not to take before and after vaccination? The doctor explains

Soon, COVID-19 tablets are also to be introduced to the market, the administration of which in the first days after infection is to prevent hospitalization of patients and reduce the number of deaths.

Omikron – will the new restrictions introduced in Poland help?

The most important thing in this case is compliance with the recommendations, as well as wearing protective masks, maintaining social distancing and isolating in the event of becoming ill with COVID-19 or observing symptoms.

  1. Experts on new restrictions in Poland – too weak, introduced too late

In addition, it is very important to have the 1- or 2-dose vaccine or a third booster dose to protect yourself from severe COVID.

Read also:

  1. Omicron will complicate our holidays? Surprising words of an epidemiologist from Germany
  2. Israel: Two Doctors Infected with the Omikron Variant. They were vaccinated with three doses
  3. Fialek: if an immune mutation occurs, we will wait 4 months for new vaccines

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