How to conquer an Aquarius woman: character traits

🙂 Greetings to my dear readers and visitors of the site! How to conquer an Aquarius woman. The information will be useful to everyone who wants to build strong relationships with women of this sign. Video.

Aquarius woman: characteristics

The period of the zodiac sign Aquarius is from January 21 to February 19. Element – Air. Patron – Uranus, the planet of the highest wisdom.

Are there aliens, where was Atlantis, and is there a worm’s head? Such topics are of an Aquarian woman as much as discussing plans for the weekend or planning a vacation.

Therefore, in order to interest her, a fan needs to be an interesting conversationalist with whom one can discuss anything – from the habits of Australian kangaroos to flares on the Sun. Aquarius, unlike most women, is interested in almost everything that goes beyond the horizons of the average man in the street.

If you are working in a scientific field, then this will be an additional plus, since new technologies and progress are also included in her focus. But in general, there will be enough information from publicly available sources – the Internet, newspapers and magazines.

The biggest difficulty for fans of the Aquarius woman is that she will constantly have to fight for her interest. If she gets bored with you, then we can assume that you have lost her. It’s not about frivolity and rivals. Aquarius is interested in people in general. Each acquaintance for her becomes an occasion for fascinating research.

Often, after she fully comprehends the partner’s inner world and there is nothing new in it, she completely loses interest in him. Such a development of events can greatly offend, to which Aquarius will answer that there is no point in dwelling on what has already been studied and traversed, because she is surrounded by a huge world full of unexplored corners.

After all, no one watches the same film every day? Is it possible to achieve reciprocity and constancy from an Aquarius woman, despite her eternal craving for new horizons? Yes, if you have a certain set of qualities.

How to conquer an Aquarius woman: character traits

How to conquer an Aquarius woman

Aquarius people appreciate openness, friendliness, kindness and honesty in everything. But the most important thing is enthusiasm, optimism, a sincere interest in life and the world around us. Personally, she sometimes lacks some of the listed qualities.

Therefore, she looks for them in friends and values ​​those who have a “complete set” of the ideal person from her point of view. It is with friendship that a love relationship with an Aquarius woman begins. If she did not fall in love with you immediately after meeting, there is nothing to worry about.

For a woman of this sign, friend and lover are almost synonymous. Therefore, any of her friends can become a lover and vice versa.

Both men and women-Aquarius in general do not bother with the difference between friendship and love. They believe that the most important thing is harmonious, wonderful human relationships, and love is a profitable business.

To consolidate the relationship that has begun, you need to bring in the material part. Gifts, comfort, and care can help make your relationship even stronger. Aquarius do not know how to resist aggression and are very afraid of it, so do not forget about the feeling of security.

If your chosen one feels protected from the adversity of the outside world thanks to you, then this will tip the scales in your favor and push her towards the final choice.

Aquarius women are charming, original and free. They often choose art as their main occupation. Be sure to support your Aquarius in such endeavors, even if you do not share them and find them strange.

After all, if she has to choose between you and her impulses, then the choice, albeit painful, will be made in favor of her ideals of freedom of expression.

Protect, care, share hobbies, support in everything and be an interesting conversationalist. And then the Aquarius woman, sooner or later, will agree to stay forever in your reliable and gentle embrace.

Famous Aquarius Women

  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Olga Cabo
  • Vanga
  • Nana Ioseliani
  • Virginia Woolf
  • Paris Hilton
  • Yoko Ono Lennon
  • Anna Pavlova
  • Irina Muraveva
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Isabelle Shakira Mebarak
  • Irina Slutskaya
  • Mina Suvari
  • Yulia Savicheva
  • Vera Brezhneva
  • Julia Nachalova

Love horoscope: Aquarius

How to conquer an Aquarius woman, advice from an astrologer.

Woman-Aquarius in love. part 1

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