How to conquer a Taurus woman: personality traits, celebrities

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! How to conquer a Taurus woman? What is the nature of the Taurus zodiac sign? Famous Taurus women. About this in the article. Read and watch the video.

Taurus woman characteristic

The period of the zodiac sign Taurus is from April 21 to May 21. Element – Earth (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

All Taurus are confident and strong people. This also applies to women Taurus. In love affairs, they prefer to make their own choice, and not wait for attention to them. Usually these are balanced, calm ladies who clearly know what they want from a man. Freaky ladies, prone to impulsive decisions, are rare among Taurus.

How to conquer a Taurus woman: personality traits, celebrities

We must say right away that weak, indecisive gentlemen, unable to take the initiative, have no chance of success for a Taurus woman. She appreciates stability and confidence in the future, and is not inclined to succumb to unnecessary fantasies.

Therefore, Telchikha will react with a smile to promises to move mountains and take them to the end of the world. The Taurus woman chooses only those men who do, and do not promise to do.

This is a completely earthly woman who does not hang in the clouds. Therefore, beautiful courtship, exciting conversations, bright gifts are not quite what she needs. Of course, like any other girl, Taurus loves courtship, but to win her heart, this is not enough.

She evaluates a man from all angles, not just his dating behavior. It is important to her how he himself looks at life, what goals he has and how persistent in achieving them.

The Taurus woman, like all ladies, loves compliments, but only those that relate to her mind, character and other personality traits, and not beauty and figure. She appreciates the same qualities in a partner.

In general, the ladies of this sign attach more importance to “content”. It is in the character and a certain mindset that the attractiveness of a man for Telchikha lies, and not in external manifestations and attempts to attract her attention.

It is very important for her that the chosen one either already has certain achievements and status, or confidently moves towards them.

But here it is not so much the material capabilities and commercialism of Taurus that are important. She expects reliability from a man, and the best indicator of this quality is often a man’s desire to make a career.

How to conquer a Taurus woman

To get a chance for success, a Taurus woman fan must be confident in himself, know what he wants, and boldly go for it. But here the rule of the “golden mean” is important – brutal impudent people will be rejected, and very quickly. Also, do not sing serenades and arrange various theatrical scenes.

Telchikha is alien to the show and she does not like it when communication with a man turns into it. It is much better to invite her to a restaurant or to an exciting event than to play something yourself.

Dreamers, dreamers and “artists” can attract a Gemini woman, but not Telchikha. Being rational and balanced, she looks at relationships soberly and expects the same from a man.

Therefore, intrigues, far-fetched passions and similar manifestations of imbalance do not interest her. The Taurus woman simply does not see the point of wasting time on them. Telchiks rarely have a relationship with hot-tempered representatives of fire signs for this very reason.

Starting to care for Taurus, you need to be patient – the girls of this sign really do not like haste. Of course, certain successes can happen earlier, but it takes time to completely win the heart of Taurus.

Best of all, the same method is used here that Taurus men use in matters of the heart – slow but confident progress towards the goal.

An attempt to play on jealousy will not help either – Telchikha are not too jealous and calmly perceive the friendly communication of their gentleman with other women. But frank flirting will only cause dislike, and not so much because of jealousy, but because of the understanding of the stupidity of such behavior.

Telchik women strive to avoid short passionate novels, giving priority to choosing a companion for life, so there is no need to rush here.

A confident, calm and rational person who knows what he wants and is able to persistently pursue his goals – it is such a man who will have the most chances of success with a Taurus woman.

Famous Taurus women

  • Catherine II the Great
  • Maria de Medici
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • Marina Vladi
  • Penelope Cruz
  • Natalia Oreiro
  • Valery Novodvorskaya
  • Love Polishchuk
  • Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva
  • Barbara Streisand
  • Eva Polna
  • Kirsten Dunst
  • Uma Thurman
  • Linda the Evangelist
  • Charlotte Bronte
  • Cher

Taurus woman in love

On Youtube, the best videos of this author on the signs of the zodiac. Take a look! Astrologer’s tips on how to conquer a Taurus woman

Taurus woman IN LOVE? horoscope. LOVE

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