How to conquer a Sagittarius woman: character traits

😉 Hello my beloved readers! How to conquer a Sagittarius woman? The information will be useful to everyone who wants to build strong relationships with women of this sign.

Sagittarius woman: characteristics

The period of the zodiac sign Sagittarius is from November 23 to December 21. Sagittarius is patronized by Jupiter – the planet of success and wealth.

Representatives of this sign are freedom-loving and a little extravagant creatures, especially in their youth. At this age, they prefer partners to match themselves – with a spark of cheerful madness in their eyes, avoiding a routine, measured lifestyle with diligent study and rational plans.

But young girls are usually shy about showing their interest. Therefore, all charming hooligans go to more determined rivals. And in fact, this is for the best, because the daughters of Jupiter are destined for a completely different, more enviable fate.

How to conquer a Sagittarius woman: character traits

Growing up, girls begin to understand that the guarantee of a harmonious relationship is an addition, not a reflection of each other. Therefore, priorities will be mixed towards reliable, calm and caring men.

An appropriate compliment, flowers for no reason – turning from a girl into a woman, Sagittarius begins to appreciate gallantry and the manifestation of small signs of attention. Romantics with guitars and hazy vistas recede into the background, though not forever.

Having created a reliable, even relationship and making sure that she is loved and appreciated, the Strelchikha again begins to think about adventures and passions. What to do to those who clearly understood that their fate is precisely Sagittarius? How to keep her?

We’ll have to combine. To become the one who will give both romance and reliability, danger and confidence in the future, a well-established life and adventure. But in fact, this task is not so difficult – in general, a man is required not to become a complete bore, life with whom is not limited to a family dinner and a discussion of the past day.

But it’s better to start over. To interest a Sagittarius lady, a man needs to be positive, full of life, look to the future with optimism, active in conversation and smiling. A share of persistence will not hurt, but most importantly, avoid passivity and expectation of the first step from the lady.

The first step will have to be done by yourself without fail. To do this, it is enough just to strike up a light, playful conversation on any topic, and at a convenient moment invite her to go somewhere together.

How to conquer a Sagittarius woman

The most important thing is that there should be no tension, tension and awkward pauses in communication with a feverish search for topics for conversation. But do not try to invite Sagittarius to a cozy cafe or for a walk in a quiet park. The best solution is outdoor activities such as mountain skiing or horseback riding if it happens in the summer.

It is very important not to rush things too much, starting the communication as more friendly than romantic. Otherwise, you risk getting not mutual feelings, but a slap in the face and the interruption of all contacts.

Sagittarius women are distinguished by their directness, therefore, if you want to know something about her, ask directly, without hints and complex calculations based on indirect signs and reservations. Introducing the chosen one is better with friends than with parents. And with male friends, as she will not tolerate “just girlfriends” because of jealousy.

In a male company, Sagittarius feels great, confidently communicating on any topic, from politics to cars and astronomy. Whereas typically female conversations like gossip or discussion of new fashion items are boring for her.

With a successful start of a relationship, the question of dominance in your couple will quickly arise. The Sagittarius woman has a strong character and an active life position, so she can easily claim the role of a leader.

But if you succumb to her and choose the role of a follower, you will immediately lose some of the respect, since she needs a strong man who can hold his position. Therefore, the best solution would be an equal partnership.

You can talk about it quite calmly, without vague hints and tug-of-war games. She will gladly accept such an offer, and you will remain the best for her.

Famous Sagittarius Women

  • Edith Piaf;
  • Mary Stuart;
  • Jane Fonda;
  • Anastasia Vertinskaya;
  • Christina Aguilera;
  • Alisa Freundlich;
  • Jane Austen;
  • Jane Birkin;
  • Kim Basinger;
  • Patricia Kaas;
  • Britney Spears;
  • Tina Turner;
  • Nonna Mordyukova;
  • Milla Jovovich;
  • Galina Volchek.

Love horoscope: Sagittarius

Astrological tips for building a marriage relationship, how to win a Sagittarius woman

How to Conquer the Heart of a Sagittarius Woman Love Horoscope

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