How to conquer a Leo man: character traits, video

😉 Hello dear readers! Astrology lovers will be interested in information about the zodiac sign Leo. For lovely ladies, here are the astrologer’s advice on how to conquer a Leo man. What is a Leo man in a relationship with a woman?

The period of the zodiac sign Leo is from July 23 to August 23. Element – Fire.

Leo man: character

Male Leo is a strong, charismatic and independent person. He can strike a woman with narcissism and arrogance, but this is compensated by a brilliant mind and charm.

This is a master of beautiful courtship and compliments. He is able to conquer any girl, but his royal habits can annoy the fairer sex. Therefore, in communicating with Leo, girls need to be patient.

Leo considers himself to be the best. These men have practically no low self-esteem. This allows them to achieve heights in their careers and enjoy success in society. Even Lions, not very pretty in appearance, are very attractive to the fair sex.

Leo clearly controls feelings and emotions. He is characterized by regal calmness and restraint. He is able to show generosity and generosity where necessary.

Leo will gladly help the weak and needy. It may seem boring at times, but this is a misleading impression. Leo has a rich inner world, and boring is unusual for him.

Leo loves to draw attention to himself. He is the soul of the company, a cheerleader and a leader, he will not agree to play supporting roles. He needs not just a life partner, but a woman of his “breed” – a queen who will look spectacular next to him in society.

To conquer a Leo man, you do not have to be the first beauty in the city. He appreciates elegance and good taste more than external beauty, not supplemented by intelligence.

His girlfriend must be well-mannered and cultured, have a sense of humor and good manners. A dummy with kilograms of makeup may interest Leo only for a frivolous relationship.

In women, he does not tolerate vulgarity and licentiousness. His girlfriend should be distinguished by nobility and behave decently. The Leo man is very jealous, but he does not always show it. Many of the representatives of this sign are terrible owners. Therefore, you should not once again provoke the anger of Leo by flirting with other men with him.

Leo’s companion must look impeccable at all times. He, in turn, will pay all the expenses for the beauty of his lady. It is rare to find stingy Lions, usually men of this sign are generous and even wasteful.

How to conquer a Leo man?

To conquer and keep a Leo man, it is not enough to be beautiful and smart. A woman should constantly admire him, notice even the slightest of his successes and encourage them in every way. Leos are very fond of flattery, and this is their weakest point. Hearing flattering words, even the most furious Leo will turn into a cute purring kitten.

In no case should you laugh and let go of taunts against Leo. It is extremely difficult for this man to forgive an insult, even if it was done out of stupidity. Loyalty is a prerequisite for a good relationship with Leo. A windy and walking woman will not be able to stay close for a long time.

In a relationship with this man, you cannot dominate. Only he can be a leader and head. However, it can be controlled with the help of wisdom, female tricks and intuition. You cannot put pressure on him, but only imperceptibly push him to the desired action.

For a Leo girl, it is important to please his entourage – first of all, colleagues and friends, and then relatives. It may seem that he is indifferent to the opinions of others, but still Leo needs the approval and admiration of everyone around.

To conquer a Leo man, you need to be a queen in spirit, and not in status. If a girl is rich, but stupid and uninteresting, he is unlikely to connect fate with her. You can not show greed and commercialism in relation to Leo. He cannot stand being used, so he completely suppresses all such attempts.

Many Leos are hypersexual and cheating. Most of them had a tumultuous youth. His woman cannot be boring in her intimate life, but she does not need to show unnecessary swagger. Otherwise, Leo will decide that in the past she had many men, and she is capable of cheating.

Moderation in everything is the main quality that is necessary for the conquest of this man.

To keep a Leo man, you need to imagine that you are the wife or bride of a royal person. After all, all the regal character traits and personality traits are also inherent in this man.

Famous male Leo

  • Mick Jagger
  • Napoleon
  • Fidel Castro
  • Vladimir Basov
  • Ivan Aivazovsky
  • Bill Clinton.
  • Ray Bradbury
  • Nikolay Valuev
  • Andrey Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky
  • Muslim Magomaev
  • Antonio Banderas
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Jean Reno
  • Pierre Richard
  • Yves Saint Laurent
  • Louis de Funes
  • Guy de Maupassant
  • Alexander Dumas (senior)
  • Vasily Shukshin
  • Bernard Show
  • Patrick Swayze
  • Robert DeNiro
  • Sean Penn
  • Oleg Tabakov
  • Alfred Hitchcock
  • Dustin Hoffman
  • Louis Armstrong

Astrological tips and videos

Here is a detailed description of the zodiac sign Leo (men) and valuable tips on how to conquer a Leo man

what a woman should know about a lion man. part 2

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