How to conquer a Capricorn woman: character traits

😉 Greetings to my dear readers and visitors of the site! How to conquer a Capricorn woman. These astrological tips will come in handy for anyone looking to build strong relationships with women of this sign.

Capricorn woman: characteristics

The Capricorn period is from December 22 to January 20. Element – Earth. The planet Saturn patronizes the sign.

To achieve reciprocity from a Capricorn woman is a long and difficult business. For women who are more prone to falling in love, sometimes just one or two dates are enough to completely lose their head, especially if the gentleman is worth it. But in the case of Capricorn, everything is different.

No matter how wonderful you are, Capricorn will not express a single emotion. She favorably accepts compliments and flowers, but refuses gifts. It is very important for Capricorn to remain independent and not feel obligated to something, that she will immediately let you know.

But this does not mean that the “candy-flower” courtship, which women of other signs love so much, with Capricorn will not bear fruit. For everything that she likes about you and your actions, she will put plus signs. It is not difficult to get small advantages from her, but not everyone succeeds in reaching the big ones. This takes persistence and time.

Those who are not ready for this scenario should not even try to court a Capricorn woman. Although in fact, such inaccessibility is a very big advantage, first of all for a man.

After all, if it is difficult for you to achieve it, then it will hardly be easier for others. Courting a Capricorn is like a bank deposit – to get more, you need to invest more, you won’t be able to win the lottery with it, this is not the case at all.

For women of this sign, the material side of life is very important. It is important for her that her chosen one does not have problems with housing, career and income. You don’t need to be fabulously rich, but you must be economical, stable and rational.

How to conquer a Capricorn woman: character traits

How to conquer a Capricorn woman

The Capricorn woman will never pay attention to the “unrecognized genius” who is interrupted by odd jobs, albeit decent ones. There is no chance for lovers of short and frivolous novels, men who are still “looking for themselves”.

She only needs a serious and only long-term relationship, ideally, a family. It will not work to twist a little affair with her.

How to prove the seriousness of your intentions? To begin with, you can introduce the beloved Capricorn to her parents. If she refuses, then just postpone the moment of acquaintance, as in the end she will either firmly say “no”, or agree, which would mean agreeing to try to consider you as a future husband.

Your chances depend on the result of this acquaintance no less than on acquaintance directly with you. Therefore, everything should be done as decorously and decorously as possible, in compliance with all etiquette settings for such cases.

During courtship, it is not necessary to spend serious sums and give expensive gifts. The extravagance and extravagance of Capricorn women do not approve. Do not lie at all, because sooner or later the deception will be revealed, after which the chances of achieving reciprocity will drop to zero.

But the rationality of Capricorn does not mean that romance is alien to her, this is not at all the case. Romantic impulses and actions are able to touch the most secret corners of her soul, and precisely because they are secret, Capricorn will not show it. But do not be discouraged – she notices everything, evaluates everything and remembers everything, always.

It is the women of this sign who can keep a simple decoration all their lives, as a memory of their first love, or forever remember the awkward verses that you tried to compose for her. But, despite the hidden romance and sensitivity, Capricorns are not afraid of loneliness, so they do not become less demanding with age.

After all, one of their main life principles was aptly described by Omar Khayyam: “It’s better to be alone than with just anyone”. And Capricorns do not change this principle under any circumstances.

Famous Capricorn women

  • Marlene Dietrich
  • Delilah
  • Michelle Mercier
  • Vanessa Parady
  • Joan of Arc
  • Galina Ulanova
  • Anastasia Volochkova
  • Marina Neelova
  • Sienna Miller
  • Tamara Gverdtsiteli
  • Kate Moss
  • Amanda Pete
  • Renata Litvinova
  • Julia Ormond
  • Nina Ricci
  • Ingeborga Dapkunaite
  • Shade Adu

Love horoscope: Capricorn

Psychological portrait of a Capricorn woman. How to conquer a Capricorn woman.

What Capricorn Woman Looks For In Love “Snow Queen”

🙂 Friends, leave tips on how to conquer a Capricorn woman. Until next time on the site!

1 Comment

  1. בתור מזל גדי מובהקת, הדברים שהכי הורסים סיכוי לזוגיות זה רישול וחוסר כבוד עצמי תוך אי ציות לכללים החברתיים בצורה הכי גבוהה.
    מה שהכי מרשים זה תשומת לב, זיכרון מדויק שלך לדברים שנאמרו. וגילויי הערכה- רק על דברים אמיתיים, השקר הכי קטן- והקשר הרוס.
    אנחנו קפדניים ובררניים- אבל מי שנכנס איתנו לקשר מקבל יחס ותשומת לב אבסלוטיים, בן הזוג הוא כל מה שאכפת לנו ממנו, ובנקודה הזאת- שיזדיינו כל הכללים אתה בראש הרשימה וכל החוקים אחריך.

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