Film «Chocolate»

Contact: entry from the left, touch, admiration, asked permission to see more, compliments, gifts and the opportunity to earn, touch anchoring, gratitude …

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It happens that busy parents lose contact with the child. How to restore it? Another common situation is that adults converge, form a family, a man needs to establish contact with a child from his first marriage. How?

How to find an approach to a 7-year-old child and build relationships

Describe your current relationship.

  • How would you like your relationship with your child to be?
  • What is your relationship with the child’s mother?
  • Who is in charge of raising the child?
  • How often and how much time does the wife spend with the child?
  • How often and how much time do you spend with your child?
  • What do you do with your child when you spend time together?
  • Do you know your child’s interests and hobbies?
  • Do you know his favorite books, films?
  • Do you know his friends?

Would you like your child to behave like you? Then take the process of education into your own hands.

  1. Relationship with wife is an example for a child.
  2. The parenting process is a joint project with your leading role.
  3. We study the interests and hobbies of the child.
  4. We take part in his hobbies.

We begin to actively participate in joint events: ice rink, skiing, chess, swimming pool, computer games, etc., joint reading of books with the necessary suggestions and conclusions on values, joint viewing of cartoons with our own comments with suggestions and the formation of values, we are interested in success at school, we organize sports life with sections, preferably martial arts, we organize meetings with friends who are successful in life, we support a positive image of the mother, if possible we organize excursions for the class, we show an example of a healthy lifestyle, we know riddles, poems, tricks — we are interesting for the child, we tell jokes , jokes — we teach humor, joint household chores, we teach to be the owner, we treat the child as a partner, we talk about values, we form the boundaries of what is permitted and explain them, preferably in the morning and evening 15 minutes of spiritual conversations — in the morning, set the mood for the day, in the evening debriefing, awareness of what happened, we teach discipline, the ability to give and keep with lovo.

Support when needed.

With this approach and adjustment in the process of work, success in raising a child is guaranteed.

Contact and exactingness to the child

Many mothers are afraid to start being demanding with their children: “I’m afraid that if I start speaking strictly, demandingly with him, I will lose contact with him, he will stop listening to me and run away.” The fears are understandable, but it would be more accurate to formulate them differently: not impersonally, not “contact will be lost”, but “a child dissatisfied with the strictness of his mother will begin to take actions so that warm communication with his mother stops.” And what to do? See →

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