How to connect a pass-through switch: single-gang, two-gang, as usual, diagrams, selection criteria –

When laying wiring in a house or apartment, a situation often arises when it is necessary to organize lighting control from several places. For such purposes, a pass-through switch is used, which has a number of distinctive features.

Below we will consider what are its design features, and where it can be installed. We will pay special attention to the features of mounting protection on such devices, connection diagrams and selection criteria.

We will also touch on the topic of creating walk-through switches with our own hands, the mistakes of beginners and the features of connecting sensory devices.

What is a pass-through switch?

Pass-through switch – a device designed to turn on one light source from different points of the apartment. Electricians call such a device a switch, because this mostly reflects its functions. Other names are “flip-over”, “cross”, “marching” or “duplicate”.

The main difference is the presence of a larger number of contacts. For example, if there are two contact connections in a conventional device, there are three in a transitional device. Two of them are common, which ensures that the light bulbs are turned on from different places, for example, at the beginning and end of the room.

Design and operation

Externally, the pass switch is no different from the usual one.

But still it has distinctive features:

  • the button shows two arrows (up and down), which are located above each other;
  • three contact groups – one input and two outputs;
  • three-wire switching providing voltage redirection between contact groups.

To control one light source, two pass-through switches are required.

The principle of operation is as follows:

  • each switching device is supplied with a neutral and phase wire;
  • moving the key to another position leads to the supply of voltage to the light bulb;
  • when either of the two switches is turned off, the power circuit is broken and the light source goes out.

Switching on and off is possible not only from two, but also from a larger number of points. To do this, you need to add one or more redundant switches.

Where can I install

The toggle switch can be installed in any room. Most often it is mounted in the following places:

  1. Staircase. Marching switches are installed on several floors to control general lighting. For example, a resident of the house can turn on the pass switch at the entrance to the entrance, and when he goes up to the third floor to his apartment, turn off the light. Similarly, you can act when descending from top to bottom: first turn on the light with a backup switch, and turn it off at the bottom.
  2. Corridor. If there is a long corridor in the apartment or house, the pass switch is installed at the end and at the beginning of the room. So, when you start moving along the corridor, you can turn on the light, and turn it off when you exit it.
  3. Bedroom. A convenient option is to place switches at the entrance and near the bed. In this case, you can go to bed and not get up to turn off the light. This is especially important in the children’s room so that the child does not have to go through the entire room to turn on / off the lights.

In practice, other methods of connecting such switches to a light bulb can be used. The main thing is to understand the principle of operation and decide on the need to install the device. Most often, this is done for convenience or/and energy savings.

Advantages of walk-through switches

Duplicate switches have a number of positive qualities that distinguish them from conventional devices.


  1. Control of one light source from different parts of the room.
  2. Application safety.
  3. Ease of installation and setup.
  4. Low cost and, as a result, low price.
  5. Saving electricity.
  6. Reliability in operation.
  7. The ability to install with your own hands without the involvement of a master.


Such switches have a number of disadvantages that must be considered during installation.

Let’s highlight the main ones:

  1. If you do not know the main differences, they are easy to confuse with a conventional switch.
  2. There is no exact position to detect position (enabled, disabled). For example, when replacing a light bulb, it is difficult to understand whether the power to the device is suitable or not. For safety, it is recommended to turn off the power supply.
  3. There are many wires in the junction box. Their number increases with the increase in the number of bulbs. It is not advisable to connect devices directly, because in this case you will have to endure high costs. In addition, with a large number of lamps in one circuit, the use of impulse relays is provided.
  4. Higher price due to design features.

Is it necessary to provide protection for walk-through switches and ground the lighting circuit

The requirements of the PUE, PTE and SNiP clearly state that lighting networks must be protected using a 6-10 Amp “machine”. Of the manufacturers, it is recommended to give preference to ABB, Schneider or Eaton. In view of the foregoing, in each switchboard, it is mandatory to install an automatic machine with an optimal current.

As for grounding, here it is necessary to study the rules of the PUE (ch. 1.7). The book says that the grounding of conductive and metal conductors, which can be energized, must be grounded. This means that the room must be grounded, providing the necessary level of safety.

How to choose a circuit breaker, see here

Wiring diagram

When installing a pass switch, you can use one of the many schemes. They differ in the number of dots and the number of switches on the device. Consider each of the connection options in more detail.

IMPORTANT: you need to use two and three-core cables.

from two places

Such a connection scheme is good when living in a 2-story house, with a large room or a long corridor. Alternatively, it can be used in the bedroom when the light is planned to be turned off near the head of the bed.

The principle is simple:

  1. Connect the ground and neutral wire to the lamp.
  2. Supply the phase to the input of the first pass-through switch, and from the input of the other switch, direct the phase wire to the lamp.

Pressing any of the devices breaks the circuit and turns off the switch. Similarly, moving the key to the second position leads to the closure of the chain and the ignition of the lamp.

Scheme of connecting wires through the junction box.

When laying the wire, be guided by the current requirements. The wire should be at a distance of about 150 mm from the top. For laying, a strobe, mounting trays / boxes are used.

Schematic diagram of the connection using the example of two switches.

The principle of operation of the circuit is shown below.

See also:

NSHVI lugs for crimping wires: dimensions, types, how to crimp, other types of TML, NVI and NKI

Connection of two points through a junction box.

We clean and bring the wiring to the box, as shown below.

We check with the indicator where the phase comes.

We connect the neutral wire from the plug to the neutral wire of the lamp.

Connect the brown phase wire suitable for the junction box with the same wire coming from the plug (shield).

Connect the blue and yellow wires from the left switch to the same wires from the right switch.

See also:

Connect the brown wire of the right switch to the same wire that goes to the bulb.

Connecting three points

If necessary, you may need to turn on / off the lamp from three different points.

In this case, two pass-through and one toggle switch will be required. Its feature is the presence of two groups of contacts, a total of four.

The basic connection diagram looks like this.

See also:

To build such a circuit, do the following:

  1. Connect the neutral wire to the bulb.
  2. Do the same for the ground conductor.
  3. Connect the phase wire to the input of the first main switch, and connect the unused wire from the light bulb to the input of the second.
  4. Connect a pair of outputs from a 3-pin device to an input of a 4-input crossover device.
  5. Connect a pair of leads from another 3-pin device to another pair of cross switch contacts.

The pin connection diagram is shown below.

The rules for installing and laying wires here are the same as for other wiring.

Connection of three points through a junction box.

To do this, either one four-wire wire or two two-wire wires must be connected to the box. Consider the example of the second option.

The blue wire coming from the box is connected to the switch contact with the arrow pointing inward. Then it comes out of contact with the arrow pointing outward and goes into the box.

The brown wire, which plays the role of yellow in the photo below, is laid in the same way.

See also:

We connect these wires from the left and right switches.

Here you need to be careful:

  1. Open the yellow wire connecting the left and right walk-through switches.
  2. Connect the yellow wire from the left switch to the brown wire, which is connected to the transfer switch to the contact with the arrow inward.
  3. Connect the yellow wire from the right device to the brown wire that comes from the toggle switch from the contact with the arrow pointing out.
  4. Do the same with the blue wire connecting the left and right devices. Unlock it. Connect the blue wire from the left switch to the same wire from the toggle switch with the arrow pointing inward.
  5. Connect the blue wire from the right device to the blue wire that comes from the toggle (third) switch from the contact with the arrow pointing out.

The connection diagram is shown below.

Four point diagram

When using four points, a complex scheme is required. Here, not only a pair of walk-through switches is used, but also two cross switches.

If the room requires voltage supply to two or more light bulbs, it is better to give preference to two-gang type switches. In this case, it is easier to control the lighting.

The connection diagram is shown below.

The general connection algorithm is as follows:

  1. From the input box, apply zero directly to the light bulb.
  2. Connect the phase from the box to the input of the first pass switch.
  3. Next, combine the leads of the pass-through, two crossover switches, and the second feed-through device.
  4. From the input of the second marching switch, send the phase to the lamp.

Such a circuit solution allows you to control the light using any of the installed devices.

See also:

Five dot scheme

If it is necessary to implement a five-point circuit, the connection principle is the same as in the case discussed above. Only the number of cross switches increases.

In this case, there will be three of them, and standard mid-flight switches are provided along the edges.

Wiring diagram for two-gang and three-gang switches

The use of a two-gang type switch allows you to control two or more lighting devices. This is possible due to the presence of six contacts in each of the devices.

See also:

Common conductors are determined according to the standard algorithm, but continuity is carried out for a larger number of wires.

A feature of the circuit with a 2-gang switch is that the phase wire is connected to both inputs of the first switching device. From the inputs of the second, wires go to the light sources.

If three or more points are involved in the circuit, it is required to install two transitional switches, because they are only available in a single-key type.

When connecting, the following principle is taken into account:

  1. The first group of contacts goes to the first cross device, and the second – to the other.
  2. The output of the crossbars is connected to the last 2-key marching device.

The three-gang switch is connected according to the scheme.

What is the best cable to use

According to the current rules, when connecting a backup switch, it is recommended to use a 3-core copper cable with a cross section of 1,5 square meters. mm.

Most popular options:

  1. VVGnG-3×1,5.
  2. SHVVP-3×1,5.
  3. PVSng-3×1,5.

The main difference between the above conductors is in the form of an insulating coating and the features of the cores. When choosing a cable, please note that it is marked in accordance with GOST.

This guarantees that when buying a wire with a cross section of 1,5 square meters. mm, you get exactly this parameter, and not 1,0 or, for example, 1,2 sq. mm. Remember that cross section mismatch can lead to overload and accident.

Basic connection errors

Novice electricians often make mistakes when connecting walk-through switches. Most often they are allowed even during the period of identifying the input (common) terminal.

It must be understood that for each manufacturer their location may differ. This means that before installation, you must always check the correspondence of the terminals with a multimeter and compare the obtained data with the existing circuit. Pay attention to where the arrows on the switches point.

If the common wire is defined correctly, but the lighting still does not work correctly, then the user made a mistake with the purchase. It is possible that two standard switches are installed, and not walk-through ones.

The second oversight that beginners make is an installation error. As a rule, a pair of wires from the first switch is connected to the input, and from the second device to the output. In this case, the circuit does not work, because the contacts must be connected according to the “cross-wise” principle.

See also:

Criterias of choice

When choosing a walk-through switch, you can not focus only on the price. It is important to understand where and how the device will be installed.

The following criteria will help you navigate what you should first pay attention to when choosing.

Consider the following criteria:

  1. Manufacturer. Customers can choose from the following developers: Legrand, Lezard, Schneider Electric, Simon, Smartbuy, TDM, UNIVersal, Volsten WERKEL, SVETOZAR, Arditi SPA, EKF, Electraline, GUSI Electric, IEK, Intro, Jung, LIREGUS, LK Studio, Nilson , Panasonic, Retrika, STEKKER, Kuntsevo-Electro, ERA.
  2. Country of origin: Germany, Spain, China, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Portugal, Turkey, France. Although imported devices are of high quality, you can find domestic analogues that are not bad in quality (see point 1).
  3. Mounting methods. Options – in the cable channel, hidden wiring, open laying.
  4. Number of buttons: one or two.
  5. The presence of the indicator – yes or no.
  6. Degree of protection – IP20, IP41, IP44, IP54, IP55, IP65. Other options are also possible. In wet rooms and outdoor areas, pay attention to devices with protection IP55, IP
  7. Colors. White, beige, green, golden, brown, red, grey, silver, black and blue and other colors are available for selection. Choose according to the design of the room, corridor, etc.
  8. The number of modules is one or two.
  9. The number of posts is one or two.
  10. With or without frame.
  11. Equipment. Thru switch with pad or complete. Modular assembly possible.
  12. Grounding – provided or not.
  13. Maximum current – from 2 to 100 A.
  14. Series – more than 50 different options.
  15. Material – ABS, ceramic, plastic, polycarbonate, thermoplastic, steel, brass, etc.

An integrated approach to selection allows you to find the right device, avoid mistakes and not be disappointed in quality.

Is it possible to use the pass switch as a normal one

There are situations when a simple 2-key device needs to be made from a backup switch. This is easy to implement if the device is connected as usual.

The question is why do this, because then the essence of the whole idea is lost, and there is no point in overpaying for a more expensive device.

Is it possible to make a pass switch from a simple switch

Now consider the reverse situation, when you need to make a transitional switch from a conventional switch. This will require a pair of simple switches with one or two keys.

It is desirable that they be produced by the same manufacturer and have identical dimensions.

The challenge is to add an extra contact to a simple switch.

But we note right away that it is better not to waste time on such an alteration, but to immediately buy a backup switch.

But if you still decide, then the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First check that the design features of the device allow you to swap the terminals.
  2. Remove the key with clips.
  3. Dismantle the electrical part.
  4. Remove one of the contacts from the socket and turn it 180 degrees.
  5. Cut off one of the sites of the general group.
  6. Reassemble the device and make sure it works properly.
  7. Close the device with one cover or leave two buttons, but glue them together.

Can I do it myself?

As can be seen from the section discussed above, a pass-through switch can be made independently. This will require a conventional one – or two-button switch. The algorithm of actions is described above, so there is no point in repeating.

See also:

Features of connecting touch switches

In addition to push-buttons, there are also touch models on the market. By the principle of operation, these devices are completely identical, but structurally they have a number of features.

So, there are two types of such devices on the market:

  1. Direct action. They work after touching the surface with the fingertips.
  2. With dimmers. Unlike the previous type, smooth brightness control is provided here. Pressing is also required to use such devices. The difference is that the brightness level directly depends on the duration of holding the finger on the surface.

The main difference between the sensor circuitry is that it contains the following contacts:

  • Phase.
  • Changeover contacts.
  • Common COM terminal.

The purpose of the latter is to link switches when multiple light sources and zones are required. At the same time, a load power of more than 1000 W is allowed per zone.

For a correct connection, the following features must be taken into account:

  1. Phase connects to L.
  2. L1 goes to the first, and L2 to the second lighting zone.

When using two or more bulbs, the L-contacts must be connected in parallel with each other, and the COM contacts must also be connected. The rest of the connection is carried out according to the standard scheme, taking into account the number of switched zones.

Connection diagram to the junction box

Of particular interest is the connection diagram of the backup switch in the junction box. Partially, we touched on this issue above.

Let’s take a closer look.

It includes four three-wire wires:

  • with AV lighting switchboard;
  • on the first switch;
  • on the second switch;
  • to the light source.

When connecting wires, you need to look at the color. When using a VVG cable, the following markings apply:

  1. White – phase.
  2. Blue is zero.
  3. Yellow-green – earthy.

A second type of marking is also possible – white, brown and black, respectively.

When assembling, proceed as follows:

  1. Connect the zero of the input AB cable and the neutral wire that goes to the lamp at one point using the car terminals.
  2. Connect the ground wires (if provided).
  3. Connect the yellow-green wire to the lamp body.
  4. Connect the phase wires. To do this, combine the phase from the input with the phase of the terminal of the first pass.
  5. Using a separate clamp, combine the common wire of the second passthrough with the phase of the wire going to the lighting device.

After completing the above steps, connect the secondary (outgoing) wires to the first and second switches.

In this case, the principle of association does not matter. Even if there is an error in the color coding, the scheme will work correctly. After that, you can apply voltage and check the health of the circuit.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using this connection:

  1. Make sure that the phase comes to the common wire of the 1st switch.
  2. The same phase wire must go from the common wire of the 2nd switching device towards the lamp.
  3. The other two conductors are combined with each other in a junction box.
  4. Zero and ground wires are fed directly to the lamps.


A pass switch is a useful device that makes lighting control more comfortable and saves electricity in a house or apartment. The main thing is to clearly understand its principle of operation, to approach the choice correctly and take into account a number of features when connecting.

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