How to confess love

Seven phrases to help you express your feelings without saying (slightly fed up) “I love you.” How beautiful is it to confess your love?

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Let’s be honest, in a long-term relationship, the phrase “I love you” gradually loses its novelty and becomes something ordinary. We say it when we leave the house, come back, say goodbye, go to bed, thank you for something. There is nothing terrible or wrong in this. You can and should talk about your feelings to your partner! But how many times have you said “I love you” out of habit, and not because you really experienced some incredible feelings at that very moment? And again, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

We offer seven ways to confess your love without saying the cherished three words.

1. “Now you are even more beautiful than the day we met!”

To let your partner know that with age you like him more and more – is this not true love? It is a mistake to believe that only women will appreciate this compliment. Men in the same way worry about age-related changes, they just express their emotions about it less.

2. “I hate everyone today except you”

We nevertheless connected ourselves with this person by marriage, including so that he was the only one who would support us in the most difficult moments. Let your partner know that your bad mood will never touch him. It’s so nice to realize that the two of you are “against the whole world.”

3. “I love your body”

It would seem a banal phrase. But when was the last time you spoke to her loved one? Your partner remembers very well that you love him. But does he know that his body is still desirable for you?

4. “How do you feel?”

This act of caring is the best way to let your loved one know that you love them and that’s why you care.

5. “I’m very proud of you”

It is important for us to know that we are valued, that everything we do matters to someone else. Sincere pride in your partner will help him fully enjoy the success of his achievements, and also show how much you love him.

6. “Leave it, I’ll do it”

Does your loved one hate grocery shopping? Wash the dishes? Sort socks? Do the work for him sometimes. This is a manifestation of care and love, so you let him know that you want him to be comfortable. Gratitude will not keep you waiting.

7. Laugh at his jokes

Always, even if they are bad, even if they are very bad. Even if you are hearing this story for the fifth or sixth time. As sometimes desire can disappear in a long-term relationship, so sometimes a sense of humor disappears. Remember how you laughed to tears at the most stupid or banal things when you first started a relationship. Laughter strengthens relationships and lets your partner know that you still think they’re witty.

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