He inspired me to write the text and explore this issue a topic that appeared on the home page today about posing next to a friend in order to slim down in a photo. I began to wonder if they really are people who use such tricks? Is it possible to slim down at all? by the right setting for the photo? I absolutely do not feel like a specialist on this topic, that’s why, especially for you, I quickly organized a meeting with our photographer friend – Dominik, who often works with women with slightly larger dimensions. Here is the effect:
Ja: Dominic, you read the thread I sent. What do you think about the method of setting yourself up to photos with a little ‘wider friend’? Does it make any sense?
Dominic: There is no make sense. “Who you hang out with, that’s what you become.” I would have thought of one like this about yourself.
Yes: Interesting approach 😉 I rather thought about the consequences that the girls wrote about in the thread – a friend may find out what is going on and not speak to us again.
Dominic: Actually, this can happen, so better not take any chances. There are other methods and the effect definitely better and safer.
Yes: Really? You can position yourself to a photo to get out slimmer? We all hope you can tell us some tricks 😉
Dominic: I do not have outputs 😉 I want to spare all these objectified, a bit fuller friends. In my opinion, the most important are five principles:
First of all – we take photos by the light falling from the side
An incident light (e.g. flash) illuminates each fragment. There are no shadows behind which he can hide part of our body, clothing. Additionally, the light at the front flattens subject being photographed, making the bad impression worse.
Yes: Oh this we would not like. So how is it best to position yourself?
Dominic: Best take photos facing the sun. Then the shadows that they hide some of our clothes, bodies. However, too spicy should be avoided light (eg in the summer between 11 and 14), because falling on your face from above causes the appearance of ugly horizontal shadows on the face.
Second – We set in the center of the frame
Most of the lenses in popular cameras are wide angle. People who will be on the edges of the frame may even be bold by 100%. It’s best to position yourself in the middle of the group / frame. And if you can when choosing a lens or its focal length, it is best to use one of the length above 85mm.
Yes: I didn’t have Fr. including the concept! Now I will always choose the central position 😉 And or better to stand or sit?
Dominic: This is one of the next rules:
It’s best to stand rather than sit
Hands and the legs cannot be joined, they should separate from the body. We stand lightly sideways to the camera, not a full body straight.
Fourth – let us position ourselves next to a large facility
Yes: But no friend?
Dominic: Not, we leave the friend alone, I mean, for example, by a large tree.
Fifth – We photograph the entire figure, not a fragment
The essence is to leave space, immortalize on significantly more around the subject. Cramped frames on which the body almost touches the border of the photo are the most unfavorable.
Yes: What about clothes? Are the costumes less and more favorable?
Dominic: Of course, dressing properly is extremely important. I don’t mean to use black color at all. He is not a guarantor slimming. Only in combination with the right style of clothes can it help. Here a stylist would have to be more specific.
And: Yes, our stylist has already written about slimming through clothes. Great advice, thank you! I am also curious if you have come across any funny methods in your work to ‘slim down especially for a photo’?
Dominic: It happened one of the models was so taken over by the photo session that a week before she started almost a hunger strike in order to lose some weight. The photos were successful (they would also have succeeded without this hunger strike), but… after they were over, the girl almost she didn’t pass out and we had to help her get home.
Yes: What for sacrifice! It is very dangerous, I hope it is an isolated incident. Or maybe give up on all these tricks and just to convert a finished photo? Do you think photoshop can really do wonders? Is it possible for a person who does not deal with it to apply corrections without mishaps?
Dominic: Of course, but is it worth wasting hours on such tricks? Better at this time to go for a walk and shed some body.
Yes: Great words! Thank you for your valuable tips.
As you can see, there are many ways to present yourself favorably in the photo. It is not worth risking any knowledge for the visual reduction of a few centimeters. Not to mention the fact that we can make it so objectified a person with great distress.
Do you have any ways to get the perfect photo?
Foot. 2: Flickr.com
Foot. 3: Flickr.com