How to combine healthy foods to lose weight faster

How to combine healthy foods to lose weight faster

Nutritionists say that the wrong combination of foods can destroy all their benefits. And the right thing is, on the contrary, to strengthen.

So, it would seem – we eat exceptionally healthy food, we follow the principles of proper nutrition (or at least try), but the weight still stands still, or even grows. British nutritionist Rob Hobson believes that all (well, many) troubles come from the wrong combination of foods. Because of the wrong “pair” we feel hungry faster than necessary. Therefore, we eat more often, respectively – more. But the right food combinations can turn an ordinary breakfast or lunch into a real superfood.

1. Sweet potatoes and Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt contains twice as much protein as regular yogurt of the same size. Thanks to this, it is more satisfying and drowns out the feeling of hunger for a long time. Sweet potatoes are a good source of complex carbohydrates. It takes a long time to digest and therefore provides us with energy for a longer time, evenly giving the body its nutritional power. It is also known to stabilize blood sugar levels.

2. Oatmeal and bananas

Oatmeal is also a source of complex carbohydrates, for which fitness trainers are ready to write poems. Whole oat grains keep you full for a very long time and also provide your body with a good amount of fiber. And bananas, due to their composition, are able to regulate the amount of a neuropeptide responsible for food activity. When we restrict ourselves in calories, the brain begins to produce this neuropeptide in an increased mode. And then I really want to eat. Banana combined with oatmeal can help alleviate this problem.

3. Yogurt with dried fruits and nuts

Dried fruits and nuts are great sources of fiber, and yogurt is rich in protein. Together, they have less of an effect on blood sugar levels than cereals or smoothies. Recall that when blood sugar levels rise, the body produces the hormone insulin, which, among other things, promotes the accumulation of fat. This can be a problem if your daily diet is high in sugar and other fast-soluble carbohydrates.

The healthy fats in yogurt can help you feel fuller longer. Nuts, fats and proteins have a similar effect.

4. Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs

This unusual combination helps control levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. When the stomach is empty, it signals a part of the brain called the hypothalamus to eat. Studies have shown that ghrelin levels decrease very little after eating in obese people. That is, the hypothalamus does not receive a strong enough signal to stop chewing. Protein, healthy fats and omega-3 acids help lower ghrelin levels – and satiety comes faster.

5. Peanut butter and banana

It’s a great combination of a healthy protein source and slow carbs to keep you feeling full and energized for longer. Walnut oil is rich in healthy unsaturated fats that improve insulin metabolism. It also contains fiber to increase satiety and prevent mindless snacks. And we have already talked about the benefits of a banana more than once. The only thing is that both are high in calories. Therefore, you need to observe the measure.

6. Eggs on whole grain bread

Also a very good option for a healthy breakfast. Fiber-rich whole grain or rye bread takes longer to digest and gives you a feeling of fullness. Eggs are rich in protein and also help fight hunger – researchers have repeatedly found that eggs for breakfast can help you lose weight. After such a satisfying morning, people eat a little less during the day. Eggs for breakfast are best boiled or scrambled eggs.

7. Brown rice with beans

Beans are rich in protein but poor in some amino acids found in brown rice. The combination is ideal for vegetarians and vegans as it provides the full spectrum of amino acids. These are the building blocks for proteins that not only saturate, but are vital for muscle recovery, growth and metabolic maintenance, according to a study by the Daily Mail.

8. Vegetable soup with beans, lentils or beans

Soup is a dietary dish because it is low in calories, but contains a lot of water, making the body feel as if it is full. Adding beans and legumes to vegetables increases their fiber content and also adds a source of protein, which can also help reduce hunger.

“Not everything here is so simple and unambiguous. These combinations may have been invented by “nutritionists” who market their signature programs and diets this way.

The fact is that most of the products sold in our stores are extremely poor in vitamins. You shouldn’t even try to get them from one food or another. For this, there are vitamin complexes and biologically active additives that the doctor will prescribe. And food is, first of all, a source of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. “

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