How to color for one evening without harm to hair

Forget wigs and ammonia dyes.

On New Year’s Eve, we all want to look especially: forget about our daily image, make bright makeup, put on the sexiest dress or jacket on our naked body, and also change hair color. If a cardinal color change is not your option, then “one-day” hair coloring will come to the rescue, which is also considered less aggressive and will not be able to negatively affect the structure of the strands. What are the options for staining, the expert said.

Creative partner of L’Oreal Professionnel.

– There are several ways, thanks to which you can brighten the existing color or perform a full-fledged “hair make-up”. Let’s consider the options.

  • Refresh blond

Coloring in a light tone is considered one of the most difficult and capricious. If you are blonde and your hair turns yellow, you can not only use special purple shampoos, but also a special pigment that starts working when mixed with a hair mask. It is not necessary to neutralize yellowness with purple, you can use pink: it gives the blonde a glow. The main thing is not to use too cold shades, they are not in trend. Better neutral and warm.

  • Hair makeup

These are temporary dyes that give color reflections and overflows. The main thing is to take into account the basic knowledge of coloristics and understand which colors neutralize each other and when mixing which shades it turns out brown (for example, if you superimpose translucent purple on yellow).

Pink shades look very cool – both pastel and juicy. The trend is a combination of red and blue / red and pink / blue and purple. You can dye only the ends or the entire sheet of hair, it also looks very impressive if only the root zone is dyed.

On black hair, any shades will look great. In general, when choosing, one must proceed from the color of the eyes: if they are transparent, you need pastel colors, a cold scale. If the iris is highly pigmented (brown, green, bright blue eyes), take saturated shades and closer to warm ones.

The intensity of the color depends only on the distance from which you apply the spray. If you need a rich pigment, then keep the spray closer to the curls, the pastel – further. After spraying the product, remember to comb through your hair to remove excess pigment. 

  • To tint overgrown roots

If you did not have time to sign up for your colorist, but you need to paint over the overgrown roots, use a camouflage spray: it instantly masks areas of skin with thin hair, thickens them, paints over gray hair and gives additional volume. There are usually many colors: from red to dark and light.

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