How to climb the career ladder: two paths to choose from

How to climb the career ladder: two paths to choose from

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers of the site “Ladies-Gentlemen”! The article “How to Climb the Career Ladder: Two Paths” discusses two options for improving your career: the first and correct path is daily work, diligence and patience, but there is another way – about this in the article.

How to move up the career ladder

Today, thousands of novice businessmen, lawyers, designers are looking for an answer to a seemingly simple question: how to build a client base? How do you climb the career ladder by attracting more and more affluent consumers?

One day young scholars asked this question to their teacher. A successful lawyer, “a hardened wolf,” as his colleagues called him behind him, then thought about it. He paused for a moment and then just told them an old parable.

Career parable

There was a woman in the Ancient East. She lost her father and mother early, left alone, without a livelihood, without support and family. The girl’s fate was then unenviable. The only thing left for her was to become a priestess of love (now a prostitute). The stern owner beat the new one more than once or twice, and the earnings were the smallest.

But one day a prominent man came to their apartment. Dressed in expensive fabrics, with a personal guard, he did not look like a typical visitor to their home of passion. Then the girl quietly asked her friend who he was. She replied that this was the chief of the city guards, his wife had recently died and now he began to look into different brothels after the day’s work.

When a rich guest passed the orphan, she tried to please him as much as possible. Putting all her skill and the ineradicable passion of a young soul, she waited for a chance. And fate provided him.

How to climb the career ladder: two paths to choose from

One evening, the owner sent her to the boss’s room. On a stormy night, she again tried her best so that he would not forget her. The next day, the guest came again, now to her. For a month the rich man had fun with the beauty, and the day came when the voluptuous decided to buy her from the owner. So the girl became the concubine of the chief of the city guard.

A couple of years later, a wanderer appeared in their house. It was the tsar’s ambassador, he was sent to their small city to rush the governor with the collection of taxes. And the girl saw her chance here. Seducing the ambassador, she made sure that he ransomed the poor thing from the leader of the guards for huge money. And she left with him.

But then, after some time, I found the assistant minister among the friends of the ambassador. Next, among his acquaintances, I met the minister. Then another, closer to the yard. She has come a long way. But in the end she became the king’s wife …


When law students listened to this story, the teacher, seeing the misunderstanding in their eyes, explained: “She used the social resource of each of her patrons, in the form of his social circle, looking for someone who was at a higher level. Having struck up an acquaintance, the girl repeated the procedure.

So you must constantly look for people who are higher on the social ladder than you. With their help, you will be able to enter an ever higher society, creating a constant forward movement. It is in it that the guarantee of any social success and an easy climb up the career ladder is in it. “

Many years later. Most of the former students spoke of this teacher with great respect. After all, it was then, that stuffy evening, through his parable, to many of them he gave a start in life, giving an answer to the question of a successful career.

How to climb the career ladder (video)

How to quickly climb the career ladder? 7 skills of a careerist | 100 CAREER ANSWERS # 3

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