How to clear pores from blackheads

Just take and erase black dots from your face, for example, with a patch mask – so-so idea, because they will quickly return to their places. But this does not mean that the problem cannot be solved – you can clean the pores. Let’s show you exactly how.

What are black dots on the face

Often it is because of black dots that people learn about the existence of pores on the skin. Pores are the exit points of sweat and sebaceous glands to the surface of the skin. Through them the skin:

  • releases protective sebum to the surface;

  • carries out thermoregulation;

  • gets rid of toxins;

  • absorbs moisture and nutrients from care products.

By the way, on every square centimeter of skin we have about a hundred pores. Huge scope for black dots. Where do they come from?

A black dot on the face means that one of the pores is clogged and a plug has formed. Most likely, it consists of sebum mixed with impurities and cosmetics not washed off in time. This fatty structure contamination oxidizes in air and acquires a characteristic black color. It turns out a black dot, or comedo.

Black dots work like this: they clog pores and interfere with normal skin functions.

This mud cocktail is of particular interest for microbes, in particular, for acne propionbacteria (now commonly called cutibacteria), which turns a black dot into an inflamed red, and then a white pimple.

Causes of black spots

Black dots on the face most often appear in people with oily and combination skin, because they have the most active secretion of sebum, and therefore, there is a higher risk that it will clog pores. But under adverse external conditions and unreasonable care, a girl, even with dry skin, can acquire black dots, because they are nothing more than the result of pollution. The most popular localization is the nose. Do you know your skin type? You can clarify this question by passing the test.

So, the causes of the appearance of comedones.

  • Insufficient or improper cleansing of the skin. Part of the pollution is invariably the remains of decorative cosmetics.

  • Bad ecology – an abundance of pollution in the air, for example, on the highways of the metropolis, in the subway.

  • Incorrectly selected care products.

  • Hormonal fluctuations. An increase in the activity of androgens (male hormones) activates the sebaceous glands, which automatically increases the risk of clogged pores.

  • Wrong nutrition. Especially the abuse of simple carbohydrates – flour and sweet.

Simple carbohydrates cause an immediate and significant release of insulin, which, in turn, also enhances the work of the sebaceous glands. © Healthy-Food

And if simple carbohydrates are combined with trans fats, which are rich in fast food, not only the skin will not be healthy … © Healthy-Food

How to clear pores at home

There are many options for removing blackheads at your disposal. Regardless of the method chosen, the stages of skin cleansing will be as follows:

  • make-up remover; The test will help determine which tool is best to use:

  • washing;

  • steaming: extreme baths of 80 ˚С are not needed, but steam from the shower or at least a warm towel that can be held on the face for a couple of minutes will slightly expand the pores and make it easier to separate the resulting plug;

  • applying tonic.

This is a daily routine. And 1-3 times a week, it makes sense to thoroughly cleanse the pores of black dots with the help of scrubs and / or cleansing masks (usually based on clay).

© Healthy-Food

© Healthy-Food

© Healthy-Food

© Healthy-Food

© Healthy-Food

Cosmetical tools

To get rid of black dots today, special scrubs, clay masks, lotions that dissolve pollution, film masks are used.

Cleansing tonic against blackheads and oily sheen “Clean Skin”, Garnier

The formula is enriched with Salicylic Acid and Zinc, proven to fight imperfections. Tonic cleanses, tightens pores and mattifies the skin.

Steaming mask against blackheads and oily sheen “Clean Skin”, Garnier

Contains cleansing and narrowing pores clay, zinc, has a steaming effect, which contributes to the cleansing process.

Mask-film from black dots “Clean skin active with charcoal”, Garnier

The film mask is designed to get rid of black dots exactly where they are most often located: on the nose and on the forehead. The mask is applied to the T-zone, and when it completely hardens, turning into a film, it is torn off with a neat but quick movement. Not very nice, but very effective. And on the black film you can immediately see how much dirt has been pulled out of the pores. As part of the formula, in addition to absorbent charcoal, exfoliating salicylic acid.

Exfoliating facial scrub “Clean skin active with charcoal”, Garnier

The ability of charcoal to draw out impurities from the pores is enhanced by the action of scrub particles, blueberry extract and salicylic acid – they also help to fight for the purity of the skin.

Rare Earth Deep Pore Daily Cleanser, Kiehl’s

Based on Amazonian white clay and bentonite, it cleanses and visually tightens pores, and thanks to aloe vera, it also moisturizes the skin.

Scrub + washing gel + mask “Three-Active deep cleansing” Normaderm, Vichy

This 3-in-1 multi-tasker works as a daily gel, a pore-clearing scrub and a purifying mask. Glycolic and salicylic acids exfoliate and promote skin renewal by removing surface impurities. White clay frees pores from dirt.

Facial sugar scrub, purifying, reducing blackheads, L’Oréal Paris

It has a warming effect, actively exfoliates the surface layer, clearing blackheads. Contains exfoliating kiwi seeds plus refreshing mint & lemongrass oil.

Homemade remedies

Pore-cleansing coffee and lemon scrub mask


  • 1 st. l. dried coffee grounds or ground coffee;

  • ½ st. l. apple cider vinegar;

  • ½ tsp water;

  • 1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice.

How to do it:

  1. mix coffee with vinegar;

  2. add lemon juice and ½ teaspoon of water;

  3. mix until gruel;

  4. apply the mixture on the face and gently massage it, especially areas with black dots;

  5. leave for 5-7 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Lemon, due to acid and vitamin C, helps exfoliate and brighten the skin.

More beauty recipes with lemon here.

This peeling mask is only suitable for owners of oily and combination skin (in oily areas). Lemon juice, even slightly diluted with water, can be too pungent for dry to normal skin.

Clay mask for blackheads


  • 1 st. l. clay;

  • 1 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar.

How to cook:

  1. dilute the clay in vinegar to a homogeneous paste;

  2. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and leave for 10 minutes or until it begins to dry out.

Clay masks are recommended to be applied to slightly damp skin, you can also spray thermal water over the mask.

The mask has a slight warming effect, so if you are prone to redness, use it with caution!

Find more clay mask recipes here.

Cosmetic methods for cleansing the skin from black dots

The choice of technologies is quite large: from ancient, but still effective manual cleaning to high-tech procedures.

Mechanical cleaning

Perhaps the most famous way to deal with black dots. The cosmetologist steams the skin and removes them manually with a special tool. Very effective, but quite painful, for a couple of days the skin can remain red, very sensitive.

Vacuum cleaning

In essence, the same mechanical, but the pores are not cleaned manually, but with the help of a vacuum. The main disadvantage of the procedure is that it is not suitable for everyone, especially people with dry skin should avoid it.

The quality of manual cleaning depends on the skill of the beautician.

Atraumatic cleaning

Sounds reassuring, but the procedure involves a very superficial treatment with exfoliating acids, which may not be able to cope with deep and significant contamination of the pores.

Ultrasonic cleaning

The most gentle and effective option: the pores on steamed skin are cleaned with ultrasound.


It implies the use by a beautician of an apparatus with various nozzles that intensively cleanse the skin, removing superficial and deeper impurities, at the same time massaging it and stimulating blood circulation.

Salon cleaning is carried out no more than once every two to three months.

Safety measures

The fight against black dots is carried out according to certain rules. And so that the effect does not disappoint, it is better to follow them.

  • Do not manually remove comedones – this will lead to post-acne.

  • Apply scrubs and cleansing masks only on damp and steamed skin.

  • It is impossible to steam and use any methods of mechanical cleansing if there are wounds on the skin.

  • After intensive cleansing, be sure to use a moisturizing treatment suitable for your skin type.

Prevention of the formation of black dots

From all of the above it is clear: the main means of preventing the appearance of black dots is hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. A few specific reminders.

  1. Ensure proper daily care in the morning and evening.

  2. Choose non-comedogenic cosmetics.

  3. Get rid of the habit of touching your face with your hands.

  4. Eat healthy foods: more protein and complex carbohydrates, fiber, less fat and simple carbohydrates.

  5. Follow the drinking regimen: 30 ml of water per kilogram of weight.

  6. In hot weather, additionally cleanse and moisturize the skin.

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