How to cleanse the intestines – why and when should it be done?

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How to cleanse the intestines? Every day, gases, deposits, fecal masses, and toxins accumulate in the intestines, which negatively affect the well-being. Poor diet and lack of adequate fluid intake make problems with the digestive system more and more. It is worth taking care of the prevention of healthy intestines every day. Sometimes a bowel cleansing, even without any health problems, may be necessary, e.g. before birth.

How to clean the intestines of gases?

Intestinal gas is an embarrassing ailment that results from digestive processes. Gases mainly consist of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen and methane, they are formed during fermentation, and their appearance is caused by symbiotic bacteria. Gut gas is also built up by swallowing air while you eat and speak. The digestive tract deals with gases in two ways, or it pushes the air upwards, then the so-called belching or air is expelled through the anus, then it is called the so-called winds, “gases”. These are natural and physiological processes. If there is an excessive build-up of intestinal gas, abdominal distension occurs.

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Cleansing the intestines of gases is primarily about introducing healthy eating habits, i.e. avoiding heavy, fatty and low-value foods. Vegetables that increase the appearance of intestinal gas are: beans, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, cabbage, lentils, and onions. You should carefully observe your body and try to catch the product, after which the gases increase, it is an individual matter, some people “harm” pears, others dairy products, still others gluten, protein, starch. Sometimes some combinations turn out to be unfavorable, e.g. fruit cake, white bread with ham.

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How to clean the intestines of fecal stones?

Fecal stones are the result of a sedentary lifestyle, a diet low in fiber and not providing the body with the right amount of fluid. This ailment most often occurs in children, the elderly and people with disabilities. Compact stool masses accumulate in the large intestine, their appearance resembles stones, hence the name, they are very hard and without water, their excretion causes pain, if the stool has stopped, there is a problem of constipation.

In order to fight them, it is worth reaching for the natural dietary supplement Daily Cleanse ° for detox, the active ingredients of which support the functioning of the digestive system.

If you are unable to pass your stool within a few days, use a rectal enema, or enema, or use a laxative, such as rectal suppositories or special syrups.

The problem of constipation can be recurring, so the most important thing is to introduce healthy eating habits for a long time, drink plenty of water, eat fruit and vegetable cocktails, fiber, and avoid sugar and glucose. Various groats, e.g. buckwheat, barley, should be present in the diet. White bread should be replaced with wholegrain, dark bread, it is worth eating oatmeal. Flaxseed will certainly help in combating the problem of fecal stones, infusions from it support the proper functioning of the intestines.

For the excretory processes to run properly, it is necessary to provide the body with an adequate level of fluids. At Medonet Market you can buy Chlorophyll liquid for cleansing the body, which is an addition to water and contributes to the cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract. We also recommend CistusHerbs Clean Body – a mixture of herbs with a detoxifying effect.

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How to cleanse the intestines before giving birth?

Childbirth is an exceptional situation in which cleansing the intestines, despite the lack of ailments, is sometimes very necessary. During childbirth, uncontrolled stools are passed, it is completely natural and it does not surprise anyone present in the delivery room. However, some women are looking for a way to clear the intestines of food deposits before giving birth. Rectal agents such as glycerin suppositories or enemas are most effective here. It is a safe procedure, a special catheter is inserted into the anus and connected to a reservoir filled with water. The solution should not irritate the large intestine. Currently, it has not been proven that an enema shortens the duration of labor, that it protects against an episiotomy. It is performed in order to reduce the stress of the mother in labor who wants to avoid passing stools in the presence of her partner, doctor or midwife. The enema kit is disposable, safe. An enema is not always needed. A woman’s body is preparing to deliver the baby to the world just a few days before delivery, so many mothers confirm that two days before delivery, loose stools appear, sometimes resembling diarrhea, a sign that the body is cleansing itself. At the hospital, obstetricians are asked about gastrointestinal complaints, and if necessary and with the patient’s consent, an enema can be used.

Intestinal cleansing is necessary before certain medical procedures and tests, in which gasified intestines visible in the X-ray or ultrasound image may make it difficult to diagnose diseases of internal organs, e.g. kidneys.

If you want to support the work of the intestines, and thus the entire digestive system, you can reach for a blend of natural fibers available on Medonet Market. We also recommend intestinal tea composed of herbs that have a positive effect on the digestive system.

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